September 2004 Archives by author
Starting: Wed Sep 1 10:44:20 EDT 2004
Ending: Thu Sep 30 22:54:48 EDT 2004
Messages: 474
- [aprssig] D-700 Packet Path (still)
J. Moen (K0ZXU/6)
- [aprssig] REJ Message
Brian Riley (maillist)
- [aprssig] Garmin Writst GPS
Brian Riley (maillist)
- [aprssig] xastir install!!! wowsa!
Tyler Allison
- [aprssig] Questions about paths
Andreras Junge, N6NU APRS
- [aprssig] UI-View Maillist without Credit Card ?
Jim Andrews
- [aprssig] IPaq
Joe Della Barba
- [aprssig] GPS and stalking
Drew Baxter
- [aprssig] APRS Replay
Drew Baxter
- [aprssig] timer kit?
Drew Baxter
- [aprssig] Latest Xastir Release: 1.4.0, 09/16/2004
Drew Baxter
- [aprssig] Latest Xastir Release: 1.4.0, 09/16/2004
Drew Baxter
- [aprssig] Any experts on the FCC website?
John Becker
- [aprssig] HTML messages
John Becker
- [aprssig] Perl code to filter packets
Roger Bille
- [aprssig] New Ham!
Joel Black
- [aprssig] TNC-x
Bob Bruninga
- [aprssig] RE: [OZAPRS] Re: SSID's
Bob Bruninga
- [aprssig] TNC-x
Bob Bruninga
- [aprssig] RE: [OZAPRS] Re: SSID's
Bob Bruninga
- [aprssig] RE: [OZAPRS] Re: SSID's
Bob Bruninga
- [aprssig] RE: [OZAPRS] Re: SSID's
Bob Bruninga
- [aprssig] Roger's Funeral
Bob Bruninga
- [aprssig] conveying map view
Bob Bruninga
- [aprssig] conveying map view
Bob Bruninga
- [aprssig] conveying map view
Bob Bruninga
- [aprssig] conveying map view
Bob Bruninga
- [aprssig] [amsat-bb] ECH Matching Funds (fwd)
Bob Bruninga
- [aprssig] Re: [CA APRS] Re: Puzzled
Bob Bruninga
- [aprssig] Re: [CA APRS] Re: Puzzled
Bob Bruninga
- [aprssig] conveying map view
Bob Bruninga
- [aprssig] UI-Digi NOID question
Bob Bruninga
- [aprssig] conveying map view
Bob Bruninga
- [aprssig] conveying map view
Bob Bruninga
- [aprssig] are ISS APRS satgates still needed?
Bob Bruninga
- [aprssig] conveying map view
Bob Bruninga
- [aprssig] conveying map view
Bob Bruninga
- [aprssig] APRS Alt-Input digis
Bob Bruninga
- [aprssig] Latest APRSdos 869 supports MARS and Aliases
Robert Bruninga
- [aprssig] APRS869 Dos correction
Robert Bruninga
- [aprssig] ZipCodes Tip
Robert Bruninga
- [aprssig] Questions about paths
Robert Bruninga
- [aprssig] Questions about paths
Robert Bruninga
- [aprssig] Questions about paths
Robert Bruninga
- [aprssig] Re: Silencing the PC Speaker
Robert Bruninga
- [aprssig] D700 change packet path?
Robert Bruninga
- [aprssig] RELAY, WIDE4-4,IGATE?
Robert Bruninga
- [aprssig] REJ Message
Robert Bruninga
- [aprssig] Roger's legacy to APRS
Robert Bruninga
- [aprssig] Garmin Writst GPS
Robert Bruninga
- [aprssig] Garmin Writst GPS
Robert Bruninga
- [aprssig] Garmin Writst GPS
Robert Bruninga
- [aprssig] conveying map view
Robert Bruninga
- [aprssig] conveying map view
Robert Bruninga
- [aprssig] APRS -Special- Mode
Robert Bruninga
- [aprssig] APRS low-power-local ALT input channel
Robert Bruninga
- [aprssig] APRS low-power-local ALT input channel
Robert Bruninga
- [aprssig] Re: [ui-view] RE: APRS low-power-local ALT input channel>> 144.34 ?
Robert Bruninga
- [aprssig] APRS low-power-local ALT input channel
Robert Bruninga
- [aprssig] Re: [ui-view] RE: APRS low-power-local ALT input channel>>144.34 ?
Robert Bruninga
- [aprssig] APRS low-power-local ALT input channel
Robert Bruninga
- [aprssig] The ideal APRS digi
Robert Bruninga
- [aprssig] APRS low-power-local ALT input channel
Robert Bruninga
- [aprssig] APRS low-power-local ALT input channel
Robert Bruninga
- [aprssig] APRS low-power-local ALT input channel
Robert Bruninga
- [aprssig] APRS low-power-local ALT input channel
Robert Bruninga
- [aprssig] APRS low-power-local ALT input channel
Robert Bruninga
- [aprssig] APRS low-power-local ALT input channel
Robert Bruninga
- [aprssig] RE: aprssig Digest, Vol 3, Issue 28
Robert Bruninga
- [aprssig] APRS low-power-local ALT input channel
Robert Bruninga
- [aprssig] Fwd: Re: [ui-view] RE: APRS low-power-local ALT input channel>>144.34 ?
Robert Bruninga
- [aprssig] APRS on 144.99 MHz
Robert Bruninga
- [aprssig] Balloon on air! Need DF
Robert Bruninga
- [aprssig] Hurricane postions being gated?
Robert W Burton
- [aprssig] low power APRS ? collision avoidance
K. Mark Caviezel
- Subject: [aprssig] The ultimate APRS mapping program?
K. Mark Caviezel
- [aprssig] low power alt input
K. Mark Caviezel
- [aprssig] UI-View Maillist without Credit Card ?
Larry Cerney
- [aprssig] tm733
Mark Cheavens
- [aprssig] A Final Thank You!
Ken Collins
- [aprssig] .From Dee and the family.....
Ken Collins
- [aprssig] Re: Questions about paths
J. Lance Cotton
- [aprssig] UI-Digi NOID question
Tim Cunningham
- [aprssig] Questions about paths
Curt, WE7U
- [aprssig] Definitive APRS Web Site
Curt, WE7U
- [aprssig] troubleshoot MFJ-1270B?
Curt, WE7U
- [aprssig] conveying map view
Curt, WE7U
- [aprssig] conveying map view
Curt, WE7U
- [aprssig] conveying map view
Curt, WE7U
- [aprssig] conveying map view
Curt, WE7U
- [aprssig] Latest Xastir Release: 1.4.0, 09/16/2004
Curt, WE7U
- [aprssig] Latest Xastir Release: 1.4.0, 09/16/2004
Curt, WE7U
- [aprssig] conveying map view
Curt, WE7U
- [aprssig] conveying map view
Curt, WE7U
- [aprssig] conveying map view
Curt, WE7U
- [aprssig] conveying map view
Curt, WE7U
- [aprssig] conveying map view
Curt, WE7U
- [aprssig] Re: APRS -Special- Mode
Curt, WE7U
- [aprssig] Latest Xastir Release: 1.4.0, 09/16/2004
Curt, WE7U
- [aprssig] Latest Xastir Release: 1.4.0, 09/16/2004
Curt, WE7U
- [aprssig] Latest Xastir Release: 1.4.0, 09/16/2004
Curt, WE7U
- [aprssig] xastir install!!! wowsa!
Curt, WE7U
- [aprssig] Every; Any; All
Curt, WE7U
- [aprssig] Kam back-up battery
Curt, WE7U
- [aprssig] HTX-202 help?
Curt, WE7U
- [aprssig] Help needed in Florida
Doug Ferrell, KD4MOJ
- [aprssig] Ports in APRS+SA
Mark Earle
- [aprssig] Definitive APRS Web Site
Edwards, Chris
- [aprssig] GPS OEM modules
Edwards, Chris
- [aprssig] HT Recommendation
Steven Eizenberg
- [aprssig] RE: [OZAPRS] Re: SSID's
Steven Eizenberg
- [aprssig] HTX-202 help?
Steven Eizenberg
- [aprssig] HTX-202 help?
Steven Eizenberg
- [aprssig] IPaq
A.J. Farmer
- [aprssig] Questions about paths
A.J. Farmer
- [aprssig] Help needed in Florida
A.J. Farmer
- [aprssig] Help needed in Florida
A.J. Farmer
- [aprssig] Help needed in Florida
A.J. Farmer
- [aprssig] Questions about paths
A.J. Farmer
- [aprssig] Help needed in Florida
A.J. Farmer
- [aprssig] REJ Message
A.J. Farmer
- [aprssig] REJ Message
A.J. Farmer
- [aprssig] Western AZ weather balloon??
A.J. Farmer
- [aprssig] RE: [OZAPRS] Re: SSID's
A.J. Farmer
- [aprssig] RE: [OZAPRS] Re: SSID's
A.J. Farmer
- [aprssig] RE: [OZAPRS] Re: SSID's
A.J. Farmer
- [aprssig] conveying map view
A.J. Farmer
- [aprssig] APRS low-power-local ALT input channel
A.J. Farmer
- [aprssig] The ideal APRS digi
A.J. Farmer
- [aprssig] APRS low-power-local ALT input channel
A.J. Farmer
- [aprssig] Streets & Trips 2005
Mark Fellhauer
- [aprssig] Streets & Trips 2005: Overview
Mark Fellhauer
- [aprssig] APRS software
Doug Ferrell
- [aprssig] Help needed in Florida
Rich Garcia
- [aprssig] UFO : VK4IE-13
Herb Gerhardt
- [aprssig] Copy MAPS to new version
Herb Gerhardt
- [aprssig] Copy MAPS to new version
Herb Gerhardt
- [aprssig] Copy MAPS to new version
Herb Gerhardt
- [aprssig] Good God! Western Mountain Top Digies Go Vast Distances!
- [aprssig] troubleshoot MFJ-1270B?
Bob Gould
- [aprssig] APRS low-power-local ALT input channel
Roger Grady
- [aprssig] RE: [OZAPRS] Re: SSID's
Rick Green
- [aprssig] conveying map view
Rick Green
- [aprssig] TNC Trace mode
Henk de Groot
- [aprssig] T at st
Henk de Groot
- [aprssig] TNC Trace mode
Henk de Groot
- [aprssig] TNC Trace mode
Henk de Groot
- [aprssig] more examples
Henk de Groot
- [aprssig] The ideal APRS digi
Henk de Groot
- [aprssig] APRS low-power-local ALT input channel
Henk de Groot
- [aprssig] APRS low-power-local ALT input channel
Henk de Groot
- [aprssig] APRS low-power-local ALT input channel
Henk de Groot
- [aprssig] RE: [OZAPRS] Re: SSID's
Bill Herrmann
- [aprssig] conveying map view
Bill Herrmann
- [aprssig] conveying map view
Bill Herrmann
- [aprssig] APRS Alt-Input digis
Bill Herrmann
- [aprssig] APRS low-power-local ALT input channel
Bill Herrmann
- [aprssig] Eagle Explorer
Richard Holder
- [aprssig] Kam back-up battery
Hurt, Gerald
- [aprssig] APRS low-power-local ALT input channel
- [aprssig] Western AZ weather balloon??
J. Gary Bender, WS5N
- [aprssig] APRS low-power-local ALT input channel
J. Gary Bender, WS5N
- [aprssig] APRS low-power-local ALT input channel
J. Gary Bender, WS5N
- [aprssig] APRS low-power-local ALT input channel
J. Gary Bender, WS5N
- [aprssig] D700 change packet path?
Kurt O. Jauss
- [aprssig] APRS maps
Kurt O. Jauss
- [aprssig] timer kit?
Kurt O. Jauss
- [aprssig] UI View callsign / ssid
James Jefferson
- [aprssig] Any experts on the FCC website?
- [aprssig] Help with a KAM
- [aprssig] Help with a KAM
- [aprssig] Kam back-up battery
- [OZAPRS] RE: [aprssig] TNC Trace mode
John Langtry, VE3NEC
- [aprssig] Was about TNC Trace mode
John Langtry, VE3NEC
- [aprssig] On Again... Are we allowing attachments?
John Langtry, VE3NEC
- [aprssig] Questions about paths
John Langtry, VE3NEC
- [aprssig] Help with a KAM
John Langtry, VE3NEC
- [aprssig] weather tracks
Wes Johnston
- [aprssig] weather tracks
Wes Johnston
- [aprssig] Wanted : KPC 9612 + V8.1 Electronic manual
Wes Johnston
- [aprssig] weather tracks
Wes Johnston
- [aprssig] vertex vx-150
Wes Johnston
- [aprssig] sound card VOX
Wes Johnston
- [aprssig] TNC-x
Wes Johnston
- [aprssig] TNC-x
Wes Johnston
- [aprssig] TNC-x
Wes Johnston
- [aprssig] TNC-x
Wes Johnston
- [aprssig] map question
Wes Johnston
- [aprssig] map question
Wes Johnston
- [aprssig] conveying map view
Wes Johnston
- [aprssig] map question
Wes Johnston
- [aprssig] conveying map view
Wes Johnston
- [aprssig] conveying map view
Wes Johnston
- [aprssig] conveying map view
Wes Johnston
- [aprssig] timer kit?
Wes Johnston
- [aprssig] Latest Xastir Release: 1.4.0, 09/16/2004
Wes Johnston
- [aprssig] tm733
Wes Johnston
- [aprssig] Latest Xastir Release: 1.4.0, 09/16/2004
Wes Johnston
- [aprssig] APRS low-power-local ALT input channel
Wes Johnston
- [aprssig] xastir install!!! wowsa!
Wes Johnston
- [aprssig] xastir install!!! wowsa!
Wes Johnston
- [aprssig] xastir install!!! wowsa!
Wes Johnston
- [aprssig] ALT input channel - different perspective
Wes Johnston
- [aprssig] The ideal APRS digi
Wes Johnston
- [aprssig] APRS low-power-local ALT input channel
Wes Johnston
- [aprssig] APRS low-power-local ALT input channel
Wes Johnston
- [aprssig] yet another perspecive for your toolbox...
Wes Johnston
- [aprssig] GPS motorcycle helmet
Wes Johnston
- [aprssig] HTML messages
Bob K8YS
- [aprssig] re: troubleshoot MFJ-1270B?
- [aprssig] OT - still here?
- [aprssig] Questions about paths
Chris Kantarjiev
- [aprssig] Re: home RELAYs and paths
Chris Kantarjiev
- [aprssig] Re: Questions about paths
Chris Kantarjiev
- [aprssig] troubleshoot MFJ-1270B?
Chris Kantarjiev
- [aprssig] re: troubleshoot MFJ-1270B?
Chris Kantarjiev
- [aprssig] HTX-202 help?
Chris Kantarjiev
- [aprssig] Re: SSID's
Christopher A. Kantarjiev
- [aprssig] Help needed in Florida
Josh Keller
- [aprssig] Help needed in Florida
Josh Keller
- [aprssig] Help needed in Florida
Josh Keller
- [aprssig] RE:Macon APRS coverage
John Kraus
- [aprssig] more examples
John Kraus
- [aprssig] UI-Digi NOID question
John Kraus
- [aprssig] UI-Digi NOID question
John Kraus
- [aprssig] Latest Xastir Release: 1.4.0, 09/16/2004
John Kraus
- [aprssig] Latest Xastir Release: 1.4.0, 09/16/2004
John Kraus
- [aprssig] Latest Xastir Release: 1.4.0, 09/16/2004
John Kraus
- [aprssig] xastir install!!! wowsa!
John Kraus
- [aprssig] The ideal APRS digi
John Kraus
- [aprssig] Re: digipeater
John Kraus
- [aprssig] Latest Xastir Release: 1.4.0, 09/16/2004
Mark A. Lewis
- [aprssig] Ports in APRS+SA
AE5PL Lists
- [aprssig] Ports in APRS+SA
AE5PL Lists
- [aprssig] RE: [OZAPRS] Re: SSID's
AE5PL Lists
- [aprssig] Re: [CA APRS] Re: Puzzled
AE5PL Lists
- [aprssig] APRS low-power-local ALT input channel
AE5PL Lists
- [aprssig] APRS low-power-local ALT input channel
AE5PL Lists
- [aprssig] APRS low-power-local ALT input channel
AE5PL Lists
- [aprssig] Perl code to filter packets
AE5PL Lists
- [aprssig] APRS low-power-local ALT input channel
AE5PL Lists
- [aprssig] APRS low-power-local ALT input channel
AE5PL Lists
- [aprssig] APRS low-power-local ALT input channel
AE5PL Lists
- [aprssig] Good God! Western Mountain Top Digies Go Vast Distances!
AE5PL Lists
- [aprssig] Questions about paths
Rich Mazzeo
- [aprssig] GPS 15H-W OEM Module
Larry McDavid
- [aprssig] Latest Xastir Release: 1.4.0, 09/16/2004
Doug McFadden
- [aprssig] Delorme Street Atlas USA with
William McKeehan
- [aprssig] RELAY, WIDE4-4,IGATE?
William McKeehan
- [aprssig] map question
William McKeehan
- [aprssig] map question
William McKeehan
- [aprssig] map question
William McKeehan
- [aprssig] map question
William McKeehan
- [aprssig] conveying map view
William McKeehan
- [aprssig] conveying map view
William McKeehan
- [aprssig] conveying map view
William McKeehan
- [aprssig] New Ham!
William McKeehan
- [aprssig] HamHUD and TinyTrak ?
William McKeehan
- [aprssig] HamHUD and TinyTrak ?
William McKeehan
- [aprssig] HamHUD and TinyTrak ?
William McKeehan
- [aprssig] HamHUD and TinyTrak ?
William McKeehan
- [aprssig] OpenTracker support for 1-wire weather
Scott Miller
- [aprssig] Questions about paths
Scott Miller
- [aprssig] UI View callsign / ssid
Scott Miller
- [aprssig] GPS OEM modules
Scott Miller
- [aprssig] GPS OEM modules
Scott Miller
- [aprssig] Eagle Explorer
Scott Miller
- [aprssig] RE: [OZAPRS] Re: SSID's
Scott Miller
- [aprssig] RE: [OZAPRS] Re: SSID's
Scott Miller
- [aprssig] RE: [OZAPRS] Re: SSID's
Scott Miller
- [aprssig] map question
Scott Miller
- [aprssig] Latest Xastir Release: 1.4.0, 09/16/2004
Scott Miller
- [aprssig] The ultimate APRS mapping program?
Scott Miller
- [aprssig] HamHUD and TinyTrak ?
Scott Miller
- [aprssig] HamHUD and TinyTrak ?
Scott Miller
- [aprssig] GPS motorcycle helmet
Scott Miller
- [aprssig] Latest Xastir Release: 1.4.0, 09/16/2004
Curt Mills
- [aprssig] RE: [OZAPRS] Re: SSID's
Curt Mills
- [aprssig] map question
Curt Mills
- [aprssig] conveying map view
Curt Mills
- [aprssig] conveying map view
Curt Mills
- [aprssig] conveying map view
Curt Mills
- [aprssig] conveying map view
Curt Mills
- [aprssig] conveying map view
Curt Mills
- [aprssig] Western AZ weather balloon??
Jim Morrison
- [aprssig] Roger Barker, G4IDE, SK
- [aprssig] RE: [OZAPRS] Re: SSID's
Michael Mullikin
- [aprssig] Rich Map Format ".rmf"
Matt Murphy
- [aprssig] weather tracks
Gerry Creager N5JXS
- [aprssig] Honoring Roger Barker's (G4IDE) contribution to APRS
Gerry Creager N5JXS
- [aprssig] Latest Xastir Release: 1.4.0, 09/16/2004
Gerry Creager N5JXS
- [aprssig] Latest Xastir Release: 1.4.0, 09/16/2004
Gerry Creager N5JXS
- [aprssig] xastir install!!! wowsa!
Gerry Creager N5JXS
- [aprssig] Latest Xastir Release: 1.4.0, 09/16/2004
Gerry Creager N5JXS
- [aprssig] xastir install!!! wowsa!
Gerry Creager N5JXS
- [aprssig] Again... Are we allowing attachments?
John Ackermann N8UR
- [aprssig] Roger Barker, G4IDE, SK
John Ackermann N8UR
- [aprssig] Latest Xastir Release: 1.4.0, 09/16/2004
John Ackermann N8UR
- [aprssig] APRS low-power-local ALT input channel
John R. Ackermann N8UR
- [aprssig] UI View callsign / ssid
Earl Needham
- [aprssig] Any experts on the FCC website?
Earl Needham
- [aprssig] Any experts on the FCC website?
Earl Needham
- [aprssig] N5LEZ?
Earl Needham
- [aprssig] Any experts on the FCC website?
Earl Needham
- [aprssig] re: troubleshoot MFJ-1270B?
Earl Needham
- [aprssig] Every; Any; All
Earl Needham
- [aprssig] tm733
David Odom
- [aprssig] New International Tier 2 Servers Online
Phillip B. Pacier
- [aprssig] Definitive APRS Web Site
Cap Pennell
- [aprssig] HTX-202 help?
Cap Pennell
- [aprssig] HTX-202 help?
Cap Pennell
- [aprssig] Latest Xastir Release: 1.4.0, 09/16/2004
Ron Perry
- [aprssig] Definitive APRS Web Site
- [aprssig] vx 150
- [aprssig] UI-path suggestion
Andy Pritchard
- [aprssig] Manitoba's only 30m>2m gateway station dies
Brad Reichert
- [aprssig] Wanted : KPC 9612 + V8.1 Electronic manual
Andrew Rich
- [aprssig] Wanted : KPC 9612 + V8.1 Electronic manual
Andrew Rich
- [aprssig] TNC Trace mode
Andrew Rich
- [aprssig] TNC Trace mode
Andrew Rich
- [aprssig] T at st
Andrew Rich
- [aprssig] TNC Trace mode
Andrew Rich
- [OZAPRS] RE: [aprssig] TNC Trace mode
Andrew Rich
- [aprssig] RE: Was about TNC Trace mode
Andrew Rich
- [aprssig] UI View callsign / ssid
Andrew Rich
- [aprssig] UI View callsign / ssid
Andrew Rich
- [aprssig] Definitive APRS Web Site
Andrew Rich
- [aprssig] Definitive APRS Web Site
Andrew Rich
- [aprssig] Tribute to Roger Barker G4IDE from VK4TEC
Andrew Rich
- [aprssig] Delorme Street Atlas USA with
Andrew Rich
- [aprssig] APRS Replay
Andrew Rich
- [aprssig] APRS Replay
Andrew Rich
- [aprssig] RE: [OZAPRS] APRS Replay
Andrew Rich
- [aprssig] RE: [OZAPRS] APRS Replay
Andrew Rich
- [aprssig] HT Recommendation
Andrew Rich
- [aprssig] GPS OEM modules
Andrew Rich
- [aprssig] GPS OEM modules
Andrew Rich
- [aprssig] GPS OEM modules
Andrew Rich
- [aprssig] Scaling APRS antenna
Andrew Rich
- [aprssig] Scaling APRS antenna
Andrew Rich
- [aprssig] UFO : VK4IE-13
Andrew Rich
- [aprssig] RE: [OZAPRS] Re: SSID's
Andrew Rich
- [aprssig] RE: [OZAPRS] Re: SSID's
Andrew Rich
- [aprssig] RE: [OZAPRS] Re: SSID's
Andrew Rich
- [aprssig] RE: [OZAPRS] Re: SSID's
Andrew Rich
- [aprssig] RE: [OZAPRS] Re: SSID's
Andrew Rich
- [aprssig] RE: [OZAPRS] Re: SSID's (COS)
Andrew Rich
- [aprssig] QLD APRS users group
Andrew Rich
- [aprssig] PMmap version 1.05 now on Web site
Andrew Rich
- [aprssig] UI-path suggestion
Andrew Rich
- [aprssig] UI-path suggestion
Andrew Rich
- [aprssig] UI-path suggestion
Andrew Rich
- [aprssig] Perl code to filter packets
Andrew Rich
- [aprssig] Neat and tidy tracker
Andrew Rich
- [aprssig] New Ham!
Andrew Rich
- [aprssig] APRS low-power-local ALT input channel
Andrew Rich
- [aprssig] HamHUD and TinyTrak ?
Andrew Rich
- [aprssig] Hurricane postions being gated?
Chris Rose
- [aprssig] Help needed in Florida
Chris Rose
- [aprssig] HT Recommendation
Chris Rose
- [aprssig] APRS low-power-local ALT input channel
David Rush
- [aprssig] Perl code to filter packets
- [aprssig] Perl code to filter packets
- [aprssig] Western AZ weather balloon??
William & Sonnie Schafer
- [aprssig] Western AZ weather balloon??
William & Sonnie Schafer
- [aprssig] Delorme Street Atlas USA with
Wm Seffens
- [aprssig] Help needed in Florida
Charles Shipman
- [aprssig] Questions about paths
Dave Sloan
- [aprssig] D700 change packet path?
Byron Smith
- [OZAPRS] RE: [aprssig] TNC Trace mode
Darryl Smith
- [aprssig] Digital Communications Conference, and Roger's Award
Darryl Smith
- [aprssig] Roger's Funeral
Darryl Smith
- [aprssig] Spurious SSID's Lafayette, IN
James Smith
- [aprssig] RELAY, WIDE4-4,IGATE?
Stephen H. Smith
- [aprssig] REJ Message
Stephen H. Smith
- [aprssig] Garmin Writst GPS
Stephen H. Smith
- [aprssig] Garmin Writst GPS
Stephen H. Smith
- [aprssig] The ideal APRS digi
Stephen H. Smith
- [aprssig] The ideal APRS digi
Stephen H. Smith
- [aprssig] Kam back-up battery
Stephen H. Smith
- [aprssig] Good God! Western Mountain Top Digies Go Vast Distances!
Stephen H. Smith
- [aprssig] Help needed in Florida
- [aprssig] Help needed in Florida
- [aprssig] Help needed in Florida
- [aprssig] Help needed in Florida
- [aprssig] Buoy and Ship data - IVAN
- [aprssig] Buoy and RAWS Reports- IVAN
- [aprssig] Western AZ weather balloon??
- [aprssig] Western AZ weather balloon??
- [aprssig] TNC-x
Rick Stoneking
- [aprssig] UI-View Maillist without Credit Card ?
Keith - VE7GDH
- [aprssig] GPS OEM modules
Keith - VE7GDH
- [aprssig] RE: [OZAPRS] Re: SSID's
Keith - VE7GDH
- [aprssig] APRS maps
Keith - VE7GDH
- [aprssig] UFO : VK4IE-13
Keith - VE7GDH
- [aprssig] D700 change packet path?
Robbie - WA9INF
- [aprssig] REJ Message
Robbie - WA9INF
- [aprssig] APRS Replay
Robbie - WA9INF
- [aprssig] GPS OEM modules
Robbie - WA9INF
- [aprssig] GPS OEM modules
Robbie - WA9INF
- [aprssig] Ports in APRS+SA
Robbie - WA9INF
- [aprssig] Ports in APRS+SA
Robbie - WA9INF
- [aprssig] UI-path suggestion
Robbie - WA9INF
- [aprssig] APRS low-power-local ALT input channel
Robbie - WA9INF
- [aprssig] Kam back-up battery
Robbie - WA9INF
- [aprssig] Every; Any; All
Robbie - WA9INF
- [aprssig] APRS low-power-local ALT input channel
Robbie - WA9INF
- [aprssig] Scaling APRS antenna
Glenn Little WB4UIV
- [aprssig] Scaling APRS antenna
Glenn Little WB4UIV
- [aprssig] firewals and internet feed ports?
Brian Webster
- [aprssig] map question
Brian Webster
- [aprssig] Copy MAPS to new version
Brian Webster
- [aprssig] Re: digipeater
Matt Werner
- [aprssig] Manitoba's only 30m>2m gateway station dies
Glenn Wiebe
- [aprssig] Manitoba's only 30m>2m gateway station dies
Glenn Wiebe
- [aprssig] Kam back-up battery
Glenn Wiebe
- [aprssig] Kam back-up battery
Glenn Wiebe
- [aprssig] D700 change packet path?
Gale D. Wilkinson
- [aprssig] are ISS APRS satgates still needed?
Jason Winningham
- [aprssig] Again... Are we allowing attachments?
Mike Yetsko
- [aprssig] GPS and stalking
Mike Yetsko
- [aprssig] Any experts on the FCC website?
Mike Yetsko
- [aprssig] Scaling APRS antenna
Mike Yetsko
- [aprssig] HTML messages
Mike Yetsko
- [aprssig] timer kit?
Mike Yetsko
- [aprssig] Every; Any; All
Mike Yetsko
- [aprssig] APRS low-power-local ALT input channel
Mike Yetsko
- [aprssig] HTML messages
Mike Yetsko
- [aprssig] HTX-202 help?
Mike Yetsko
- [aprssig] Any experts on the FCC website?
Doug Younker
- [aprssig] Any experts on the FCC website?
Doug Younker
- [aprssig] Any experts on the FCC website?
Doug Younker
- [aprssig] Help needed in Florida
- [aprssig] RE:Need Help in Fla
- [aprssig] Copy MAPS to new version
- [aprssig] Copy MAPS to new version
- [aprssig] Help needed in Florida
ki6nj at
- [aprssig] HTX-202 help?
bob evinger
- [aprssig] UI-View Maillist without Credit Card ?
chuck gelm
- [aprssig] Western AZ weather balloon??
chuck gelm
- [aprssig] Scaling APRS antenna
chuck gelm
- [aprssig] RE: [OZAPRS] Re: SSID's
ke4nyv at
- [aprssig] Roger Barker, G4IDE, SK
dick at
- [aprssig] xastir install!!! wowsa!
Gerry Creager n5jxs
- [aprssig] Latest Xastir Release: 1.4.0, 09/16/2004
- [aprssig] Scaling APRS antenna
- [aprssig] Latest Xastir Release: 1.4.0, 09/16/2004
- [aprssig] Latest Xastir Release: 1.4.0, 09/16/2004
- [aprssig] Scaling APRS antenna
- [aprssig] Every; Any; All
- [aprssig] Every; Any; All
- [aprssig] Every; Any; All
- [aprssig] APRS low-power-local ALT input channel
- [aprssig] APRS low-power-local ALT input channel
- [aprssig] Good God! Western Mountain Top Digies Go Vast Distances!
- [aprssig] T at st
scott at
- [aprssig] TNC-x
scott at
- [aprssig] timer kit?
scott at
- [aprssig] New PMmap Version Available
kb2scs at
- [aprssig] conveying map view
kb2scs at
- [aprssig] PMmap version 1.05 now on Web site
kb2scs at
- [aprssig] complete NOSaprs runtime configuration now available.
maiko at
- [aprssig] RE: [OZAPRS] Re: SSID's
maiko at
- [aprssig] Garmin Writst GPS
paulj at
- [aprssig] Dmapper Version 2.12 now available
- [aprssig] RE: aprssig Digest, Vol 3, Issue 28
john van sandt
- [aprssig] D700 change packet path?
hasan schiers
- [aprssig] D700 change packet path?
hasan schiers
- [aprssig] D-700 Packet Path (still)
hasan schiers
- [aprssig] D700 Memory-Further Symptoms!!
hasan schiers
- [aprssig] Definitive APRS Web Site
- [aprssig] T at st
aa3jy at
- [aprssig] Winlink Back online
aa3jy at
- [aprssig] Need Help in Fla
aa3jy at
Last message date:
Thu Sep 30 22:54:48 EDT 2004
Archived on: Mon Jul 2 15:57:42 EDT 2018
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).