[aprssig] RELAY, WIDE4-4,IGATE?

Stephen H. Smith WA8LMF2 at aol.com
Thu Sep 9 17:49:03 EDT 2004

William McKeehan wrote on 9/9/2004, 2:04 PM:

 > If the first Relay is an IGATE, then the packet becomes digipeted as:
 >      RELAY,WIDE4-4,IGATE*
 > thus avoiding a large amount of RF traffic?

The problem is that most igates are not digipeaters and vice versa. 
Digipeaters need to be in high (and often remote) places like mountain 
tops or the rooftops of high buildings where there often isn't Internet 
access.  Igates have to be located in places with broadband Internet 
access like homes and offices that don't have the commanding coverage 
needed for effective digipeaters.

An igate that is not a digi won't be in a position to reformat a path.

Stephen H. Smith                   wa8lmf (at) aol.com

Home Page:                            http://wa8lmf.com

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