[aprssig] Good God! Western Mountain Top Digies Go Vast Distances!

nc8q-1 nc8q-1 at gelm.net
Wed Sep 29 08:53:12 EDT 2004

"Stephen H. Smith" wrote:
> Never really realized how vast though!
> Yesterday ( 27 Sept 04) I drove from San Diego, CA to Tucson, AZ via
> Interstate-8.
> At 8:30 PM, I stopped for dinner at the junction of I-8 and I-10 (Casa
> Grande about half way between Phoenix and Tucson).  I left UI-View
> running on my mobile laptop connected to a Kenwood D700 monitoring
> 144.39 for about half an hour while eating.
> The image linked below is a screen cap of the resulting map showing all
> the stations heard IN A MOBILE ON THE GROUND. This is STRICTLY RF; no
> Internet connection was involved.
>    http://members.aol.com/wa8lmf/aprs/APRS-Off-Air-In-AZ.GIF
> Stephen H. Smith                   wa8lmf (at) aol.com

Hi, Stephen:

 "This is STRICTLY RF"
How can you tell?  I see many DX stations with WIDE#-# in their
digipeater fields, when I run UI-VIEW.  Does not this indicate that,
at some point, the data was transported over the internet?  You did
not show the 'raw' data received.  Could any of those listed stations
have been transported, at some point,  via the internet and only the
last hop of the journey had been on RF?

3s, Chuck

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