[aprssig] APRS low-power-local ALT input channel

Bill Herrmann bherrman at spro.net
Sat Sep 25 04:04:38 EDT 2004

At 11:50 PM 9/24/2004 -0400, Robert Bruninga wrote:
>Ah, that is a common missunderstanding.
>When any system uses HIGH site repeaters to serve many ground

While it's true that the ground level users are in an aloha network it 
isn't true that the high site repeaters are. They are truly in a CSMA 
network. I think what Pete was getting at is that we need to be building 
those high site cross-channel digipeaters so that they check for busy 
before they transfer the packets from the alternate network to the main 
144.39 network.

Pete - Is that where you were going?

I know it was the question I asked the other day, but haven't seen an 
answer to yet.

Can we see some recommendations and real world experience on how to route 
between the networks responsibly? For instance: In Annapolis how are you 
routing the packets?

Note: For this use it would be really, really nice if we had a dual 1200bps 
port TNC that understood WideN/TraceN routing between the ports. (Of 
course, it would be really nice if we had a 1200/9600 ported TNC that did 
that too. A KPC9612+ can happily route between the two ports, but it can't 
do WideN on that.)


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