[aprssig] Good God! Western Mountain Top Digies Go Vast Distances!

Stephen H. Smith WA8LMF2 at aol.com
Wed Sep 29 01:24:06 EDT 2004

Never really realized how vast though!

Yesterday ( 27 Sept 04) I drove from San Diego, CA to Tucson, AZ via 

At 8:30 PM, I stopped for dinner at the junction of I-8 and I-10 (Casa 
Grande about half way between Phoenix and Tucson).  I left UI-View 
running on my mobile laptop connected to a Kenwood D700 monitoring 
144.39 for about half an hour while eating.

The image linked below is a screen cap of the resulting map showing all 
the stations heard IN A MOBILE ON THE GROUND. This is STRICTLY RF; no 
Internet connection was involved.


Stephen H. Smith                   wa8lmf (at) aol.com

Home Page:                            http://wa8lmf.com

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