[aprssig] conveying map view

Bill Herrmann bherrman at spro.net
Tue Sep 21 23:06:10 EDT 2004

At 05:10 PM 9/21/2004 -0700, Curt Mills wrote:
>I'm starting to like the idea of posting an object of a certain
>format, rather than a message.  If it had a standard format, clients

Curt's onto something here. APRS clients already support it and...

(from the APRS spec - in the object/item section)
The position may be in lat/long or compressed lat/long format, and the 
report may also contain Extended Data.

Guess what we already have in the extended data definitions... Range!

(from the APRS spec)
The 7-byte RNGrrrr Data Extension allows users to transmit a precalculated 
omni-directional radio range, where rrrr is the range in miles (with 
leading zeros). For example, RNG0050 indicates a radio range of 50 miles.

Sounds to me like it is an already defined frame that can contain both 
center and range information. Not only that, but objects, by definition, 
are supposed to include the senders callsign. (I should note that either 
objects or items would appear to work.)

The only compromise involved is to change the range meeting from RF range 
to range of map view. I think most of us would agree that that is a 
reasonable change.


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