[aprssig] Manitoba's only 30m>2m gateway station dies

Glenn Wiebe gswiebe at mb.sympatico.ca
Mon Sep 13 12:51:44 EDT 2004

Hello all:

My Kam is dead. Due to my own carelessness it is finished. I purchased it new in 
1988 (along with an also new Kenwood TS-440S-AT) and it has been carefully 
nurtured and upgraded for all these years including the enhancement board 
upgrade along with v8.0 firmware. Modes used include packet HF & VHF, RTTY, 
AMTOR, PACTOR and even one GTOR contact. For many years now it has been used 
only for APRS including gateway operation. R.I.P, you did well. So much for the 

I would like to carry on with APRS, preferably as a gateway station. My choices 
are really limited. Perhaps AGWPE? I suspect it may be usable as a gateway 
station, more investigation required. I might have to buy the professional 
version. Time will tell

73 de Glenn...VE4GN

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