[aprssig] Smart beaconing and the tragedy of the commons
Keith VE7GDH
ve7gdh at rac.ca
Thu May 24 19:05:52 EDT 2007
Bob WB4APR wrote...
> ...the -only- time they become "noteworthy" is when the rare
> one pops up with improper settings, and then that one becomes
> very visible and "noteworthy" to eveyrone on the channel.
I'm still not sure how you conclude that a particular station is using
SmartBeaconing with mis-configured settings, but...
> It is trying to find a way to limit those imporpoer settings
> that was where I was trying to go with this. Sorry I got
> everyone spun up by my sloppy writing..
Perhaps Byon N6BG creator of TT3 www.byonics.com and
Scott N1VG creator of the OT www.n1vg.net could update the default settings
in their configuration programs and the respective manuals along with some
additional text along the lines of "don't change it unless you know what you
are doing." I'm not suggesting "one size fits all" but it wouldn't be a bad
thing to both tweak the settings and add a bit more info about
SmartBeaconing. There's a pretty good chance that TT3s and OTs are the first
exposure many people have to APRS, so I'm sure they would be open to
Perhaps the suggested settings could be...
SmartBeaconing enabled
min turn angle 30 (or 45?) degrees
turn slope 255
min turn time 20 (or 30?) seconds
slow speed 5 mph
slow rate 1800 seconds
fast speed 65 mph
fast rate 90 seconds
This reply was CCd to both Byon and Scott.
73 es cul - Keith VE7GDH
"I may be lost, but I know exactly where I am!"
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