[aprssig] Smart beaconing and the tragedy of the commons

Steve Jones steve.jones at rogers.com
Wed May 23 18:04:21 EDT 2007

On May 23, 2007, at 4:28 PM, Keith VE7GDH wrote:

> Bob WB4APR wrote...
>> I have plenty of experience with it. Most any day,  most any
>> time. All I have to do in my APRS is hit the SORT by LOAD
>> button and see who is hitting out 99 beacons per hour (the max I
>> capture), and it invariably is people running smart beaconing.
> You do? What device (hardware or softare) are you using that uses
> SmartBeaconing? I'm pretty sure you have at least one D7 and at  
> least one
> D700, but they aren't capable of SmartBeaconing.

Perhaps these are the mobiles which blindly beacon every 30 seconds  
while parked?  Perhaps we should condemn those unupgradeable Kenwoods  
for the state of the network?

I'd much rather have my Smart Beaconing which drops my tx rate to  
once every 255 minutes when my speeds drops below 5km/h.

Steve <steve.jones at rogers.com>

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