[TangerineSDR] Grape Ubuntu upgrade problems

Bill Engelke bill.engelke at ua.edu
Thu Oct 14 19:10:03 EDT 2021

Hello all - just a note from annoying experience -

If you are running the Grape image I have published that runs Gnuradio, you might find that it nags you to upgrade to Ubuntu version 21.

This upgrade, which took about 6 hours, bricked my R-Pi that was running my Grape/Gnuradio combo (Ubuntu based).

Fortunately, I had foreseen the risk of this upgrade and took an image backup of the system prior to the upgrade. I was able to re-flash the SSD chip from the backup and get back to a runnable system again.

For the curious: why run Ubuntu on the R-Pi instead of Raspbian?  I have found that a couple of the libraries you need to run Digital RF and/or Gnuradio are not available for Raspbian; that's why I run Ubuntu on the R-Pi instead.   Questions?  Please email me.   C U in Antarctica.... -73- Bill,   AB4EJ

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