[TangerineSDR] Notes from PSWS / TangerineSDR call of 10-18-2021
Tom McDermott
tom.n5eg at gmail.com
Mon Oct 18 22:07:43 EDT 2021
Notes from PSWS / TangerineSDR call of 10-18-2021
1. Welcome to new attendee JB / K8OS. JB announced that he has some
technology for very large FFTs.
2. Jim has had some problems with R-PI locking up after a few hours,
rebooting fine, then locking up again after more time. It was suggested
that it might be related to the SD card supplier.
3. MagnetoPiHat. Scotty/Dave posted the latest revision XE4 to the
TangerineSDR.com website (under working documents).
-- Tom, N5EG
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