[TangerineSDR] Lightning detection instrumentation

David Witten wittend at wwrinc.com
Sun Nov 1 17:48:03 EST 2020


I wondered if you could tell me what the current standard for lightning
detection instrumentation is.  Sites like nssl.noaa.gov
<https://www.nssl.noaa.gov/education/svrwx101/lightning/detection/> point
me to companies like Viasala, Inc. <https://www.vaisala.com/en> and Earth
Networks <https://www.earthnetworks.com/>. that provide lightning sensor
network data.  These and other companies also seem to sell equipment that
falls into three or four categories:

1) Electric Field Mills.
2) Very low frequency 'spherics' monitoring.
3) Very-very low frequency thunderstorm detectors (1-47 Hz), ie Biral
4) Optical flash detection. (Vaisala
et. al.)

Would data from any of these sensors materially complement or enhance the
HamSci Low Cost Space Weather station?  Could they provide data useful
beyond  that provided by the commercial offerings?

Obviously, #2 above overlaps with the low frequency receiver board
currently under discussion.  But I'm not certain whether that design
accomplishes whatever (if anything) the Biral sensor (#3) does.

And especially, is the data captured by electric field mills correlated in
any interesting way with phenomena (TEC?) already under consideration


Dave Witten, KD0EAG
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