[TangerineSDR] Git updates for Magnetometer software.

David Witten wittend at wwrinc.com
Wed May 20 12:53:02 EDT 2020

All 'magnetometerists':

I am actively updating the software on Github (
https://github.com/wittend/rm3100-runMag ).  I appreciate all of the input
I am getting.  Both Julius Madey and Dave Larsen have been especially
helpful. Check for updates often (if you have cloned the repository, just
use git pull from your projects base folder).

The time is coming where I am going to have to ask folks to submit bug fix
/ feature requests using the 'Issues Tracking' feature on the repository (
https://github.com/wittend/rm3100-runMag/issues ) so that I can avoid
losing them in my email and prioritise them rationally.

My latest commit updates the presentation of the output somewhat.
Important changes include more understandable messages regarding missing
sensors, presenting some of the values with more decimal places, and more
useful presentation of values entered on the command line using the -P

Other work continues on several fronts.  Most important (to me) at the
moment is synchronizing the Cycle Count (CC) values with the Gain used for
computing output.  Also important is constraining the CC input to values
that the sensor will accept.  Some other value inputs need to be sanity

Please test this and give me your input and frustrations.  Now is a good
time for me to work on this.

Dave Witten, KD0EAG
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