[TangerineSDR] Notes from PSWS / TangerineSDR call of 01-27-2020

Tom McDermott tom.n5eg at gmail.com
Mon Jan 27 22:18:50 EST 2020

Notes from PSWS / TangerineSDR call of 01-27-2020

1. FPGA clock N and P reversed on the revised receiver? Confirmed, Scotty
will fix. Tom to send Scotty a Dropbox upload link for sending back the XA2
corrections to the receiver.

2. Discussion of oral timeslots at HAMSCI. Preliminary suggestion is that
TangerineSDR DE/Receiver/Clock hardware could occupy 2 speaking slots, but
we can adjust up or down a bit depending on the needs.

Once that duration is finalized, Nathaniel would like a paragraph or two
abstracting the content from { Scotty + John + Tom}.
Nathaniel sent an email to the list covering the various slots. Need to
correct Bill Engelke's AB4EJ callsign.

3. Scotty may want to look at
https://github.com/pavel-demin/red-pitaya-notes  for efficient receiver
implementation in terms of FPGA gate count per slice. Dave KV0S provided a
link to Steve's ad0es.net 40-channel implementation done by GPU.

-- Tom, N5EG
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