[TangerineSDR] New Dual-Freq GPS Module

Gerry Creager - NOAA Affiliate gerry.creager at noaa.gov
Thu Apr 23 09:51:15 EDT 2020

I chatted with Gary Miller, the primary developer active these days on
gpsd, about the uBlox Zed-f9 and the SkyTraq PX1122R dual frequency
products. Gary's used more of the OEM boards than anyone else I know, and
because of the ongoing work with gpsd, has a lot of hands-on time making
code work.

Gary's very impressed with the SkyTraq engineering, but said, essentially,
that post-sales support and quality control were not good. Assuming this is
a family forum, I'll not be literal.

His impression of the Zed-F9 was a little muted, as he's not yet laid hands
on one, but has extensive uBlox experience. He's of the impression that
this system is likely both of higher quality and more readily supported
than the SkyTraq.

Gerry N5JXS

On Fri, Apr 17, 2020 at 1:38 PM John Ackermann N8UR via TangerineSDR <
tangerinesdr at lists.tapr.org> wrote:

> Just FYI --
> I just discovered that SkyTraq has a new GPS module, PX1122R, that seems
> very comparable to the uBlox ZED-F9P, with a couple of exceptions noted
> below.
> It's dual frequency and has a built-in RTK processing engine -- that
> means you can feed it correction data and get corrected results in
> real-time.  The claimed accuracy is 1.5m CEP autonomous, or 1 cm plus 1
> ppm when in RTK mode.
> There is a PPS signal with claimed 12 ns accuracy.
> The good news is that the module is $99 quantity 1 (they also have a
> breakout board for $125 and an evaluation board for $150).
> The bad news is that, at least from the data sheet, it's unclear what
> data outputs it provides -- there are a limited number of NMEA sentences
> listed, but it also supports RTCM 3.1 and "Skytraq raw data binary".
> I *think* but am not sure that the RTCM message output provides the raw
> data needed to create RINEX files and generate TEC (I'm happy for input
> on that point).  And I don't know whether the binary protocol provides a
> sawtooth or quantization error correction message to improve the PPS
> quality.
> I ordered one of the evaluation boards to test, but depending on the
> data output capabilities this device may not be well suited for
> timekeeping or the TangerineSDR.
> Links:
> Data sheet:     http://navspark.mybigcommerce.com/content/PX1122R_DS.pdf
> Module:
> http://navspark.mybigcommerce.com/px1122r-multi-band-quad-gnss-rtk-module/
> Breakout board:
> http://navspark.mybigcommerce.com/ns-hp-gn2-px1122r-multi-band-quad-gnss-rtk-breakout-board/
> Eval Board:
> http://navspark.mybigcommerce.com/px1122r-evb-px1122r-multi-band-quad-gnss-rtk-evaluation-board/
> John
> --
> TangerineSDR mailing list
> TangerineSDR at lists.tapr.org
> http://lists.tapr.org/mailman/listinfo/tangerinesdr_lists.tapr.org

Gerry Creager
*The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.*
*   Walt Disney*
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