[TangerineSDR] How many different data rates to support in DE

Engelke, Bill bill.engelke at ua.edu
Wed Apr 22 14:39:39 EDT 2020

This is a question for Scotty, but others might want to offer thoughts as well -

Our plan is that the SBC will query the DE for a list of supported data rates.
In the UI for the PSWS, I will show the user a list of the available data rates, and the user can pick one for the  group of channels to be acquired.

I'm not looking for a firm commitment here, but so that I can design something user-friendly, could you give me an approximate list of the data rates we probably will support in Phase 1?

We discussed 10 sps, 4 ksps, 8 ksps, and some others when contemplating frequency estimation and data acquisition. What might the list look like?

-73- Bill AB4EJ
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