[TangerineSDR] digital_rf 2.6.2

Tom McDermott tom.n5eg at gmail.com
Mon Jul 1 22:45:10 EDT 2019

HI Phil,  I $ git pull   the latest from github, updating to V2.6.2 and
rebuilt from source.

The Digital RF Source (the multichannel capable version) still has the same
(being unable to iterate over the output types) but the single channel
Digital Channel RF Source works correctly, and is able to play back
data into a spectrum display.

Thanks for getting the github code updated !

Now need to download a lot more of the data to have a useful sample to
listen to
and tune around.

Nathaniel:  can you tell me what the sample rate was?  I have not yet
figured out
how to extract that from the metadata.

-- Tom, N5EG
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