[TangerineSDR] ICD for Receiver module

Tom McDermott tom.n5eg at gmail.com
Fri Aug 9 12:03:52 EDT 2019

I have uploaded Version 0.1 of the Interface Control Document (ICD) for
the RXM-5001D receiver.  That's the two-channel 14-bit receiver planned
for use in the PSWS project.

The connector has been changed from M.2 to MEC5 Right Angle 140 pin per
Scotty's recommendation.  Even this is very short of pins needed.  To
accommodate necessary slow-speed I/O I2C is used.  This will also allow
other module types to have GPIO expandability in the future via I2C.

Scotty has in parallel been working on the ICD for the Data Engine, since
two connectors have to match.


-- Tom, N5EG
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