[nos-bbs] PBBS User JNOS

Charles J. Hargrove n2nov at n2nov.net
Sat Dec 30 21:37:44 EST 2023

On my JNOS I have AX25 RF, NetRom and registered telnet users with a 
password as 59 and registered bbs users as 24635.

# Miscellaneous accounts requiring no password:
ax25perm * /home/jnos/public 59   #ax.25 login to mailbox
nrperm * /home/jnos/public 59   #netrom login to mailbox
pppperm * /home/jnos/public 3   #ppp's call to userlogin
tipperm * /home/jnos/public 3   #tip login to mailbox
univperm * /home/jnos/public 3   #not listed elsewhere gets guest status
tcpperm * /home/jnos/public 3   #telnet login to mailbox
confperm * /home/jnos/public 3   #convers signin
ftpperm * /home/jnos/public 3   #ftp login
guest * /home/jnos/public 3
anonymous * /home/jnos/public 3
anon * /home/jnos/public 3

# <permissions>
#    ftp and telnet
#    --------------
#       1     read file
#       2     create new file
#       4     write/delete file
#    telnet only
#    -----------
#       8     AX.25 Gateway access
#      16     Telnet Gateway access
#      32     NET/ROM Access
#      64     Remote control
#     128     Disallow access
#    ppp only
#    --------
#     256     PPP connection
#     512     peer ID/password lookup
#    others
#    ------
#    1024     disallow send command
#    2048     disallow read command
#    4096     disallow third-party mail
#    8192     this user is a bbs
#   16384     this user is an expert
#   32768     disallow convers command
#   65536     default is no escape character
#  131072     no lists displayed from mailbox
#  262144     disable 'linked to'
#  524288     ignore last read in <area>.usr for shared accts
# 1048576     avoid FBB compression
# 2097152     allow XG (dynip route) command
# 4194304     disallow telnet to 44/8
# 8388608     allow telnet to only 44/8
# To set options, simply above add values together.
# Format in /ftpusers file is:
#    <name> <password> [<drive:></rootdir>;</root2>] <#perms>] [=]...
#    <name> is the userid, normally a callsign for amateur radio use.

On 12/30/2023 11:56 AM, Jay wrote:
> Greetings,
>     Here in Michigan when we set up out JNOS network we decided that 
> there was no need for Heirarchical email because it was just such a pain 
> in the ass to configure and support.   So we opted for SMTP email only.  
> For thos portions of the network that were NetROM only, we configured 
> "IP over NR" links so they would pass IP.
>     But in hmail (if very old crusy memory can recall) you had to set 
> PBBS node accounts in the FTPUSERS file to have a "value" that defined 
> them as being a PBBS and *not* an end user.  That way a connection knew 
> that it was not talking to a human but to a machine, for the purpose of 
> moving Email.   So the prompts were short/different and the handshack to 
> move mail was more machine-like and not text commands for a human.
>     See Ian Wades book for more details....
>        --- Jay  WB8TKL
> On Sat, 30 Dec 2023, Christopher Maness wrote:
>> There is a flag in FBB that specifically says PBBS, and also in BPQ32 
>> (which I believe is derivative of FBB).  The problem with a
>> regular user on JNOS is it does not recognize forwarding commands.  I 
>> think that would be the way to go, just
>> provide access to those commands.
>> -Chris KQ6UP
>> On 12/30/2023 8:28 AM, Maiko (Personal) wrote:
>>> Yeah, I know, that's a pain actually, it's bitten me a few times as 
>>> well. I'm sure there is a better way to do this, sigh ... If anyone
>>> wants to throw some ideas out on this, or tell me how other systems
>>> are doing this, I'm all ears.
>>> Having said that, it might be a simple matter of me not enforcing the
>>> BBS bit in the user profile, that 'era' of change kinda eludes me :(
>>> Maiko / VE4KLM
>>> On 2023-12-30 10:24 a.m., Christopher Maness wrote:
>>>> Is there such thing as a PBBS user in JNOS?  That is a user that is 
>>>> a BBS and also gets a user prompt
>>>> at login.  That is a handy feature in some other BBS flavors, not 
>>>> sure if I missed something in the manual
>>>> for JNOS.
>>>> -73 de Chris KQ6UP

Charles J. Hargrove - N2NOV
NYC-ARECS/RACES Citywide Radio Officer/Skywarn Coord.

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on 7.036 Mhz USB (alt 3.536)/1500 hz waterfall spot; MFSK-16 or 32

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