[nos-bbs] making JNOS mime aware ...

maiko at pcsinternet.ca maiko at pcsinternet.ca
Thu Apr 21 10:31:53 EDT 2022

If anyone wants to test what has been done so far ...

Check for smtpserv.c and mailutil.h under the rsync hlrevamp2022 area

Used pine to send text plus 3 attachments (jpeg, jpg, and pdf), seems
to save the files properly. This is not recursive code (yet), so if you
try and forward something that has MIME content, you might just see the
raw content in your mail, and there are other scenarios I have no idea
how it will work (yet), I think the worst that will happen is you will
just see the usual gibberish in your message that you are reading.

The path where the files are saved are taken from ftpusers. If it is
not able to get a path from ftpusers, then files are saved in /jnos,
or whatever you have for your JNOS root area.

NOTE : you still have to manually 'base64 --decode' any files, I have
        not yet implemented it in the source, want to think about it a
        bit first.

If you know how, please run gdb on the test JNOS, in case it crashes,
it would be helpful to know where :)

Maiko / VE4KLM

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