[nos-bbs] RPI running JNOS

Sky sky at aa6ax.us
Wed Jul 15 14:42:42 EDT 2020

To add "more than you wanted to know" --

I have considered having a Python script "front" for JNOS on the mesh.
It could provide certain services on an IP address that the mesh would
route. They could also filter for *Part 97* problems like encryption,
could handle authentication, and require approval for exceptionally
large messages when bridging to packet radio. So, for example, I could
provide SMTP on the mesh side with packet outbound on the other side,
and POP3 on the mesh side to pick up packet messages. (I do this
already, but don't route to the mesh at this time.)


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"Sky" (Jim Schuyler)
—Amateur Radio AA6AX

On 7/15/20 11:31 AM, Sky via nos-bbs wrote:
> Hey, Bill ——
> Maybe helps you or doesn't help you... I run JNOS on both Pi3 and Pi4
> currently. I use a USB  "MFJ TNC-X" so that everything can fit in a
> nice boxed configuration without hats and pins and extra cords all
> over the place.
> Compile was 100% easy.
> My JNOS appears at on the Pi via the tunnel set up in
> autoexec.nos. So I can access any services there that are listening.
> Is this what you're asking?
> I use home-built Python add-ons to knit my JNOS into other
> capabilities like email. I use regular email app (Claws Mail) to send
> and receive thru JNOS (like using Outpost PMM, but without the need to
> run Windows). There are a few glitches that are getting worked out,
> but basically this works really, really smoothly.
> My nodes use AREDN mesh via wi-fi for Internet connectivity, and so
> far I do not provide any services "on" the mesh.
> See https://SFWEM.NET/
> —Sky
> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
> "Sky" (Jim Schuyler)
> —Amateur Radio AA6AX
> http://aa6ax.us/
> On 7/15/20 9:43 AM, Bill Vodall wrote:
>> Is anyone here running JNOS on a RPI (zero)?   
>> I expect it should generally be a straight forward compile and go. 
>> The question is if the interface (TUN?) works on the RPI allowing IP
>> traffic between the RPI network and the JNOS network.
>> The AREDN mesh system has developed greatly and JNOS will be a good
>> next step bringing more useful services to the system.
>> Thanks,
>> Bill
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