[nos-bbs] 2.0k hangs

Ray Quinn w6ray at sbcglobal.net
Tue Aug 9 09:08:42 EDT 2016

On 8/8/2016 9:59 PM, Michael Fox - N6MEF wrote:
> I’m getting hangs (JNOS doesn’t crash, it just freezes), running 
> 2.0k.  If I kill it and restart, it will soon hang again.

> When it occurs, there are a bunch of emails in the smtp list queue.  
> SIGHUP and SIGINT have no effect.  SIGINT will kill it.  After JNOS is 
> restarted, I check smtp list and I see a bunch of mails.  If I run 
> smtp kick, it immediately hangs.

> My understanding is that gdb needs a crash to produce useful output; a 
> hang won’t work.  Correct?
I am having the same issue. However, I do not remember when it started. 
I believe it was before I upgraded to 2.0k, not sure. I had tried 
running it through gdb, but had no output.


If the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body,
then only left-handed people are in their right minds.

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                      73 de Ray Quinn W6RAY
                         GMRS - WQTX645
                      Visalia, CA USA DM06ih

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