[nos-bbs] multiple options for "start telnet"

Michael Fox - N6MEF n6mef at mefox.org
Sun Apr 24 20:14:19 EDT 2016


See my previous report of incoming FBB sessions hanging due to lack of <LF>.  Log and trace were included.

I have been using "cronly" in forward.bbs because it appears to make JNOS not care about the <LF>.  Of course, that means that it only works on outbound connections.  What I reported was for inbound (FBB -> JNOS) connections.

FBB doesn't seem to care whether JNOS sends <CR><LF> or just <CR>.
And, most of the time, FBB sends <CR><LF>.  But sometimes FBB will end a command with just <CR>.

For example:  FF<CR>

At that point, FBB is waiting for a response from JNOS.  And JNOS is waiting for the end of line.  So they both sit there like that for 5 minutes (in my case), until FBB times out and gives up.  (See previously sent log and trace.)


> -----Original Message-----
> >  start telnet 6300 cronly enableiac            # LinFBB
> I didn't think linfbb required the cronly, just the enableiac, or
> perhaps me removing the airmail telnet part is the cause of all the
> grief ? Maybe I should just put it back into place, and that might
> save some reconfiguration for specific systems. But then I'm torn
> as to the 'correct' way to do this ....
> Gus, Bob, Michael - opinion please ?

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