[nos-bbs] forwarding with FBB

Michael Fox - N6MEF n6mef at mefox.org
Wed Apr 13 15:13:05 EDT 2016

That's great news Maiko!  Thanks!

While you're in that part of the code, can you also look into why JNOS(mbox fbb 2) answers incoming connections with "BF" in the SID, instead than "B1F"?


> -----Original Message-----
> From: nos-bbs [mailto:nos-bbs-bounces at tapr.org] On Behalf Of Maiko
> Langelaar
> Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2016 11:30 AM
> To: TAPR xNOS Mailing List <nos-bbs at tapr.org>
> Subject: Re: [nos-bbs] forwarding with FBB
> Greetings,
> Here's my own update for anyone who cares.
> I too have been spending some time testing out some new ideas and
> code. I'm pleased to report that I believe I have solved the telnet
> forward issues. I have been testing with Bob and for sure it looks
> like even in the YAPP payload, linfbb is expecting IAC manipulation
> if I may call it that. This is working remarkably well right now.
> But here's the clincher. Winlink forwarding breaks completely with
> the new code. I don't believe Winlink follows the IAC rules in the
> telnet RFC, that's what it looks like anywyay. So I believe we'll
> have to add a flag in the forwarding file for specific systems.
> Anyways, before anyone goes crazy 'wasting their time' testing, I
> thought I should let you all know. I'm not releasing anything yet,
> since I have one remaining peculiarity to deal with.
> For some strange reason, sometimes an incoming proposal shows up
> as 'A B ...' instead of the expected 'FA B ...'. The raw data stream
> that I capture shows it correctly, but the forwarding code is giving
> me the latter (ie, the F is missing). Could be something as simple as
> not even stack, I hope to get it figured out asap, cause it's the only
> thing keeping me from releasing this.
> Also, I have new 'index.c' code for the future expires, it seems to
> work for me, and I have some more logging improvements to release.
> Maiko / VE4KLM
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