[nos-bbs] bleeding edge source for testing

Maiko Langelaar maiko at pcs.mb.ca
Sat Apr 16 12:49:37 EDT 2016

Quick note - for testing, don't put into production :

    cd < some empty directory >
    rsync -av www.langelaar.net::jnos2 .
    rsync -av www.langelaar.net::bleeding .
    make clean


    cd <a COPY of your existing source tree>
    rsync -av www.langelaar.net::bleeding .
    make clean

The bleeding repository only contains files changed since the last
official rsync version, the BIG test is the telnet forwarding,
improved logging of forwarding sessions, and cleanup of compiler
warnings, and maybe other stuff - release notes will be updated
later on, don't know when ...

IF you have Winlink in your forward.bbs, you need to add a 'noaic'
option to the end of your telnet command, ie :

    telnet brentwood.winlink.org 8772 telpac noiac
    +Callsign :

If you don't, your forwards with Winlink will fail, it would appear
to me that they do NOT use any form of IAC processing in the telnet
connection. I'm fine with that actually, topic for another day.

Maiko / VE4KLM

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