[nos-bbs] including original message in replies, comment text in forwards

Brian n1uro at n1uro.ampr.org
Tue Dec 16 02:35:16 EST 2014


On Mon, 2014-12-15 at 21:15 -0800, Michael E Fox - N6MEF wrote:

> Yeah, I've heard of that (one cc address per prompt).  But I think it's a
> step backwards.

That's not necessarily how it works. You *can* enter a string of comma
deliminated addresses on the original To: field. The SC adds a CC field
also capable of comma delimited addresses. In the case of an ax25 frame
where some emulations will NOT properly handle more than 80 Chars/line
the additional prompt to fit all intended addresses is a good thing.
It's also a failsafe for the human with the trigger-happy finger that
hits enter by habit and is given another chance to re-enter an address
they wanted to originally enter. Show me a human who's perfect and I'll
show you a person with skewed vision.

> All email clients today allow multiple addresses separated by comma or
> semi-colon, just like JNOS does.  It's by far the main stream way to do
> things.  And packet clients like Outpost also send comma-separated CC lists.
> Having to get a prompt in-between slows things down a little on the keyboard
> and a LOT with a client because it's got to do an extra over the air
> exchange to get the prompt after each address.
> It sounds like Maiko is well on the way to making the cc: list dynamic in
> length.  That's the more elegant, more modern, and faster approach, IMHO.

I hope he includes a failsafe for those older emulations which
auto-include ^M at 80 characters. Your design is fine for your specific
needs. Not everyone runs a clone of your system.

If Microsoft intended Windows to be for ham usage,
they would have incorporated our protocols into their kernel.

73 de Brian Rogers - N1URO
email: <n1uro at n1uro.ampr.org>
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