[nos-bbs] AGWPE/JNOS

Chris Maness chris at chrismaness.com
Fri Apr 4 12:35:08 EDT 2014

I tried it a while back, but it has been so long -- me no recordar.  I
don't think I was successful in getting it to work.

Chris Maness KQ6UP

On Fri, Apr 4, 2014 at 8:01 AM, Mark Phillips <g7ltt at g7ltt.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Has anyone tried using Maiko's AGWPE compatibility in JNOS?
> I've been wrestling it for a few days now and am getting nowhere. I have
> written the following attach statement ...
> attach agwpe sc1 2000  (I run my AGWPE on port 2000)
> ... which JNOS accepts. However, I get varying results from the many AGWPE
> compatible softwares that I have. For example, DIREWOLF never TX's but gives
> me the following errors ...
> Connected to AGW client application ...
> --- Unexpected Command from application using AGW protocol:
> <<< Register CallSign from AGWPE client application, total length = 36
>         portx = 0, port_hi_reserved = 0
>         kind_lo = 88 = 'X', kind_hi = 0
>         call_from = "NI2O-4    ", call_to = ""
>         data_len = 0, user_reserved = 0, data =
> [0L]
> [0L]
> .... The [0L] characters appear every time I try and send any traffic
> through the modem.
> Other packages are not so verbose. I've tried UZ7HO's package and also AGWPE
> itself. I'm getting nothing. It's almost as if JNOS is not connecting to the
> AGWPE server.
> My assumption (based on the DIREWOLF output) is that JNOS is incorrectly
> connecting to the server. I've checked all my IP settings/netmasks etc which
> is usually where I fudge up (you would never believe I do this for a
> living!) and everything is able to talk to everything else.
> The ultimate goal here is to deploy a few Pi's around town configured with
> AGWPE compatible soft-modems which will be controlled by my JNOS hub.
> I've tried this with success using tools such as Xastir and Outpost. It
> works really well. Admittedly it's across my shack rather than across the
> web but IP is IP right?
> Thanks!
> Mark
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