[nos-bbs] AGWPE/JNOS

Maiko Langelaar maiko at pcs.mb.ca
Sat Apr 5 23:37:15 EDT 2014


Installed AGWPE on my Windows 7 Pro machine, hooked up my home brew 
interface between sound card / serial port and radio, then attached
to it from my JNOS (linux) system, and whad da ya know ? The TX is
not doing what it's supposed to do, as you said - hmmmmmm ....

Anyways, I found a typo in my code. As well, I cleared up an issue
with regard to how I was adding a KISS control character to the data
stream. The agwpe developer docs don't seem to be clear on this, but
no matter now. See the attached 'agwpe.c' file, put it into your JNOS
source directory, then 'make' a new JNOS binary.

Use 'Kiss Simple', 'Soundcard', and stick with Port 0 (single port).

Please do let me know how it goes, thanks.

I have it working fine now, can't tell if I'm running multipsk, a real
tnc, or the agwpe. From JNOS point of view, they all act the same way.

Maiko Langelaar / VE4KLM
-------------- next part --------------
 * Support for AGWPE (tcp/ip control) as a digital modem
 * Designed and Coded (23 February 2012) by Maiko Langelaar, VE4KLM
 * by 11:30 pm, already have packets going out sound card, next step is to
 * have packets coming into sound card, and passed on to JNOS for proc.
 * by 12:00 noon, 24Feb, I have packets coming into JNOS and decoded, good
 * old desktop speakers and a microphone for the *radio channel*, incoming
 * test packets compliments of KI4MCW - found his packet2.wav on the web :
    Fri Feb 24 11:24:32 2012 - agwpe sent:
    AX25: VE4NOD->VE4BBS-3 SABM(P)
    0000  ac 8a 68 84 84 a6 e6 ac 8a 68 9c 9e 88 61 3f     ,.h..&f,.h...a?

    Fri Feb 24 11:24:37 2012 - agwpe recv:
    AX25: KI4MCW-1->APAGW v WIDE2-2 UI pid=Text
    0000  82 a0 82 8e ae 40 60 96 92 68 9a 86 ae 62 ae 92  . ...@`..h...b..
    0010  88 8a 64 40 65 03 f0 3d 33 37 33 30 2e 35 30 4e  ..d at e.p=3730.50N
    0020  2f 30 37 37 33 30 2e 35 30 57 2d 41 47 57 74 72  /07730.50W-AGWtr
    0030  61 63 6b 65 72                                   acker

    Fri Feb 24 11:41:43 2012 - agwpe sent:
    AX25: VE4NOD->ID UI pid=Text
    0000  92 88 40 40 40 40 e0 ac 8a 68 9c 9e 88 61 03 f0  ..@@@@`,.h...a.p
 * Alot of this code was drawn from my 'multipsk.c' code written about two
 * years ago - man, where has all the time gone :(
 * (C)opyright 2012 Maiko Langelaar, VE4KLM
 * For Amateur Radio use only (please) !

#include "global.h"

#ifdef	AGWPE

#include "mbuf.h"
#include "iface.h"
#include "slip.h"
#include "trace.h"
#include "pktdrvr.h"
#include "devparam.h"

typedef struct agwpecparm {
	char *hostname;
	int portnum;

/* 27Feb2009, Maiko, Use an existing function from slip.c module  */
extern struct mbuf *slip_decode (register struct slip *sp, char c);

/* 28Feb2009, Maiko, Use an existing function from slip.c module  */
extern struct mbuf *slip_encode (struct mbuf *bp, int usecrc);

static int psock = -1;

static int connectagwpe (IFPAGWPE *ifpp)
    struct sockaddr_in fsocket;

    int s = -1;
	if ((fsocket.sin_addr.s_addr = resolve (ifpp->hostname)) == 0L)
		log (-1, "agwpe - host (%s) not found", ifpp->hostname);
        return -1;
    fsocket.sin_family = AF_INET;
    fsocket.sin_port = ifpp->portnum;
	if ((s = j2socket (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) == -1)
		log (-1, "agwpe - no socket");
        return -1;

	sockmode (s, SOCK_BINARY);
	if (j2connect (s, (char*)&fsocket, SOCKSIZE) == -1)
		log (-1, "agwpe - connect failed, errno %d", errno);
        return -1;
	log (s, "agwpe [%s] - connected", ifpp->hostname);

	return s;

int agwpe_send (struct iface *iface, struct mbuf *bp)
	static char *iobuf = NULL;
	static int iomtu = -1;
	struct mbuf *tbp;
	char *ptr;
	int len;

	if (iomtu == -1 || iface->mtu > iomtu)
		if (iomtu != -1)
			free (iobuf);

		iomtu = iface->mtu;
		iobuf = mallocw (iomtu);

	if (psock != -1)	/* tcp/ip socket handle */
		len = len_p (bp);

		ptr = iobuf;

		/* this should never happen, but just to be safe !!! */
		if (len > iomtu)
			log (-1, "agwpe_send - packet (%d) larger then mtu", len);

		else if (dup_p (&tbp, bp, 0, len) != len)
			log (-1, "agwpe_send - dup_p failed");

			/* Send Data in raw AX.25 format (K frame) */

			memset (ptr, 0x00, 4); ptr += 4;
			*ptr++ = 'K';
			memset (ptr, 0x00, 23); ptr += 23;

			len++;	/* for the KISS flag we put in later (04Apr2014) */

			memcpy (ptr, (char*)&len, 4); ptr += 4;

			memset (ptr, 0x00, 4); ptr += 4;

			/* 24Feb2012, Maiko, AGW PE expects Flag
			 * 04Apr2014, Maiko, KISS delimiter I think (docs are not clear)

			*ptr++ = 0x00;

			pullup (&tbp, ptr, len - 1);

			if (j2send (psock, iobuf, len + 36, 0) < 1)
				log (-1, "agwpe_send - write errno %d", errno);

			free_p (tbp);

	    free_p (bp);

    return 0;

int agwpe_raw (struct iface *iface, struct mbuf *bp)
	dump (iface, IF_TRACE_OUT, CL_AX25, bp);

    iface->lastsent = secclock();
	agwpe_send (iface, bp);

    return 0;


struct agwpehdr {
	int port;
	char reserved1[3];
	int kind;
	char reserved2[3];
	char src[10];
	char dst[10];
	int32 len;
	char reserved3[4];

agwpe_ntohdr (struct agwpehdr *hdr, struct mbuf **bpp)
	hdr->port = pullchar (bpp);
	pullup (bpp, hdr->reserved1, 3);
	hdr->kind = pullchar (bpp);
	pullup (bpp, hdr->reserved2, 3);
	pullup (bpp, hdr->src, 10);
	pullup (bpp, hdr->dst, 10);
	hdr->len = pull32 (bpp);
	pullup (bpp, hdr->reserved3, 4);


void agwpe_rx (int xdev, void *p1, void *p2)
	struct iface *ifp = (struct iface*)p1;
	IFPAGWPE *ifpp = (IFPAGWPE*)p2;
    struct sockaddr_in from;
	char initbuf[40], *ptr;
    struct mbuf *bp;
	char tmp[AXBUF];
	int fromlen;

	log (-1, "agwpe listener [%s:%d]", ifpp->hostname, ifpp->portnum);

	while (1)
		/* Connect to the agwpe tcp/ip server, retry every minute */

		if (psock == -1)
			while ((psock = connectagwpe (ifpp)) == -1)
				j2pause (60000);

		/* Register CallSign (X frame) */

		ptr = initbuf;
		memset (ptr, 0, 4); ptr += 4;
		*ptr++ = 'X';
		memset (ptr, 0, 3); ptr += 3;

		ptr += sprintf (ptr, "%-10.10s", pax25 (tmp, Bbscall));

		memset (ptr, 0, 18); ptr += 18;

		if (j2send (psock, initbuf, 36, 0) < 1)
			log (-1, "Register Callsign 'X' - write errno %d", errno);

		/* Activate reception of Frames in raw format (k Frame) */

		ptr = initbuf;
		memset (ptr, 0x00, 4); ptr += 4;
		*ptr++ = 'k';
		memset (ptr, 0x00, 31); ptr += 31;

		if (j2send (psock, initbuf, 36, 0) < 1)
			log (-1, "Activate Raw Recv 'k' - write errno %d", errno);

		/* Handle incoming data stream */

		while (1)
			int32 agwpeport, agwpedk, agwpedl;

			char agwpesrc[11], agwpedst[11];

			pwait (NULL);	/* give other processes a chance */

			if (recv_mbuf (psock, &bp, 0, (char*)&from, &fromlen) == -1)

			/* Parse out the header */
			agwpeport = pullchar (&bp);
			pullup (&bp, NULL, 3);
			agwpedk = pullchar (&bp);
			pullup (&bp, NULL, 3);
			pullup (&bp, agwpesrc, 10);
			pullup (&bp, agwpedst, 10);
			pullup (&bp, (char*)&agwpedl, 4);
			pullup (&bp, NULL, 4);
			log (psock, "P [%d] DK [%d] DL [%d]", agwpeport, agwpedk, agwpedl);
			/* end of header */

			if (agwpedk != 'K')		/* we only handle RAW frames for now */

			/* this is a flag put in by AGWPE, not part of raw ax25 data
			log (psock, "Flag [%02x]", pullchar (&bp));

			/* 05Apr2014, Maiko, I think it's a KISS delimiter */
			pullchar (&bp);

			// pullup (&bp, rawbuf, agwpedl);

			/* NICE - just pass the rest of BP direct to net_route :) */

			if (net_route (ifp, CL_AX25,  bp) != 0)
				free_p (bp);
				bp = NULL;

		log (-1, "agwpe disconnected");
		close_s (psock);
		psock = -1;

int agwpe_attach (int argc, char *argv[], void *p)
	struct iface *ifp;
	struct slip *sp;
	IFPAGWPE *ifpp;
	int xdev;
	if (if_lookup (argv[1]) != NULLIF)
		tprintf (Existingiface, argv[4]);
		return -1;

	/* Create structure of AGWPE connection parameters */

	ifpp = (IFPAGWPE*)callocw (1, sizeof(IFPAGWPE));

	ifpp->hostname = j2strdup (argv[2]);
	ifpp->portnum = atoi (argv[3]);

	/* Create interface structure and fill in details */

	ifp = (struct iface*)callocw (1, sizeof(struct iface));

	ifp->addr = Ip_addr;
	ifp->name = j2strdup (argv[1]);
	ifp->mtu = 256;
	ifp->dev = 0;
	ifp->stop = NULL;

	if (ifp->hwaddr == NULLCHAR)
		ifp->hwaddr = mallocw (AXALEN);

	memcpy (ifp->hwaddr, Mycall, AXALEN);

	setencap (ifp, "AX25");

	ifp->ioctl = NULL;
	ifp->raw = agwpe_raw;
	ifp->show = NULL;
	ifp->flags = 0;

	 * 28Feb2009, Maiko, Crap, it looks like the Slip[] and xdev and dev are
	 * so interlocked into the trace (dump) routines, that dump will actually
	 * crash (and probably other stuff) if I just calloc a SLIP structure, as
	 * I tried to do before. Looks like I'll have to stick with looping thru
	 * the Slip[] array for an empty slot, until I figure out another way to
	 * do this. It works ! BUT I don't like how it's tied into everything.
	for (xdev = 0; xdev < SLIP_MAX; xdev++)
		sp = &Slip[xdev];
		if (sp->iface == NULLIF)
	if (xdev >= SLIP_MAX)
		j2tputs ("Too many slip devices\n");
		return -1;

	ifp->xdev = xdev;
	sp->iface = ifp;
	sp->kiss[ifp->port] = ifp;
	sp->type = CL_KISS;
	sp->polled = 0;
	sp->usecrc = 0;

	/* Link in the interface - important part !!! */
	ifp->next = Ifaces;
	Ifaces = ifp;

	 * Create a listener process
	 * The connect to the agwpe tcp/ip server is inside the
	 * listener process. If we do it here, JNOS will hang on the
	 * attach command - remember 'attach' must always return.
	ifp->rxproc = newproc ("agwpe_rx", 1024, agwpe_rx,
			0, (void*)ifp, (void*)ifpp, 0);

	return 0;

#endif	/* End of AGWPE */

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