[nos-bbs] A new use - JNOS WIN32

Bill Vodall wa7nwp at gmail.com
Thu Feb 14 18:35:16 EST 2013

>  the WIN32 version of JNOS is an active project  again
> For more information, please check out the following website :
> http://www.langelaar.net/projects/jnos2/news

We've been experiencing a real boost in the HSMM-MESH activity in our
local area.


Lots and lots of blue boxes (WRT54G*) and now Ubiquity Bullets and
other WiFi devices have been moved to OpenWRT and configured for the
HSMM-MESH(1) firmware.   That's working well but then folks ask "ok -
now what do I do with this?"   Since it's "TCP" the answer is,
"anything TCP."   But what's that?   I have a list of potential
services - http://nw-mesh.wikidot.com/meshservices -  but still, on a
Windows box, there's more questions and many challenges actually
putting this to work.

If only there was some canned application that provided many of the
stock *NIX services and tied them in with existing HAM packet networks
- you know, like JNOS does...   :-)

So tonight - or real soon now - I'll get the new Windows JNOS (THANKS
MAIKO!!) running on the little netbook I'm using as a Server for the
NW-MESH system and start adding the services to the announcements on
the mesh.   This is going to be grand fun.

Bill - WA7NWP

(1).  The HSMM-MESH code for the WRT54G's has a big-little endian bug.
 If you want to set up a WRT54G for use with other OpenWRT Mesh boxes
- ask me where to get the NW-MESH installs.

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