[nos-bbs] agwpe/flexnet interfaces, JNOS for Windows, and so on ..

Andre andre at pe1rdw.demon.nl
Thu Dec 8 06:47:03 EST 2011

Op 8-12-2011 5:26, Alan Sieg WB5RMG schreef:
> I had understood Winmore as an HF modem, maybe I'm wrong. Ida tried it 
> if I'd thought it was for VHF.
Winmor was designed with HF in mind but there is no reason not to use it 
on vhf and higher, it is faster then normal 1k2 on fm but has a big 
disadvantage compared to ax25, it is a single stream mode, only one 
connection at a time, offcourse that does elimitane the hidden node 
effect somewhat and reduces the channel free overhead to an extend but 
needs a dedicated frequentie, no sharing with other bbs or modes.

73 Andre PE1RDW

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