[nos-bbs] Another update - JNOS 2.0, WINMOR TNC, RMS Express

Maiko Langelaar maiko at pcs.mb.ca
Tue May 18 17:27:32 EDT 2010

Good afternoon,

Making good progress on the WINMOR tnc project. Today was very good,
and I feel I have alot of bugs ironed out. RMS Express in P2P mode is
able to connect to my JNOS system quite nicely and exchange messages
back and forth using the full B2F protocol (even attachments). You
still can't do OUTGOING calls (ie, mbox kick), only accept INCOMING
from a remote RMS Express system. Work in progress, experimental.

You can download the latest source code using an RSYNC client :

     rsync -a www.langelaar.net::jnos2 <path>

where <path> is an EMPTY directory on YOUR machine to put the source.

Maiko Langelaar / VE4KLM

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