[nos-bbs] JNOS and Winlink interfacing -- close but stuck

Willie Hein WJ3G wj3g at comcast.net
Fri Dec 31 07:07:48 EST 2010

If you haven't already, take a look at LinuxRMS.


Seasons greetings all!

Willie, WJ3G

On 12/25/2010 02:21 PM, John Goerzen wrote:
> On 12/25/2010 07:59 AM, Maiko Langelaar wrote:
>> John,
>>> Perhaps I could fix this with a rewrite for Y at Z.
>> In the B2F scheme of things all addressing and other mail headers
>> are contained in the payload, unlike how it is done for regular FBB
>> stuff. The FC proposal basically just contains the message ID which
>> could be used to check for duplicates, and some checksum info.
>> If you read the *latest* notes, you will not see me use 'wl2k' as a
>> user. The telpac stuff is considered obsolete, use a callsign of an
>> actual user. The telpac to a winlink server idea is just something I was
>> playing with, but it never really caught on with me. I always figured if
>> I really wanted to get a message to a winlink user over the internet, I
>> might as well just email them :) Perhaps I should have been more clear
>> about that in past documentation.
> OK, I'm a bit confused about all this.  I removed the tcp...telpac
> line, and just have:
> -------------
> wl2k P
> ax25 rms kr0l-7
> +>
> *
> .C KYWIL d
> +Connected
> *
> wl2k
> -------------
> Are you saying that you believe that the fact that I am saying "wl2k"
> in two places instead of wa4zko-11 is the cause of my trouble? 
> Because as far as I can tell, the setup here is functionally identical
> to the one described at that link.
> Also, I should be clear: this initial attempt is to receive a message
> sent from the Internet to a Winlink user (me).
> For some, the appeal of Winlink is being able to do that without an
> Internet connection (on boats, etc.)  I am trying to find a way to
> make this happen on Linux.
> -- John
>> The document below :
>> http://www.langelaar.net/projects/jnos2/documents/JnosWL2Knotes.txt
>> works very well for me, BUT it's direct RF to an RMS Packet system.
>> It's an ongoing project. I really want to make it so that you don't
>> have to preconfigure users, but it's a start.
>> Maiko Langelaar / VE4KLM
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