[nos-bbs] JNOS and Winlink interfacing -- close but stuck

Maiko Langelaar maiko at pcs.mb.ca
Thu Dec 23 17:54:13 EST 2010

Hi John,

> I can, of course, connect to an RMS node and read mail manually.

I assume over RF ?

> So, I've found the Winlink notes at 
> http://www.langelaar.net/projects/jnos2/documents/JnosWL2Knotes.txt

Which is pretty recent and the present way I am able to do it.

> well as the TCP info at 
> http://www.langelaar.net/projects/jnos2/documents/changes.txt

You are referring to section 6) in the area that explains the
differences between 2.0e and 2.0d1, Tuesday, April 18, 2006. That
part about telpac is now OBSOLETE. I should probably update those
notes to clarify that point. The 'JnosWL2Knotes.txt' will be the
latest on how to get JNOS to interact with RMS.

Also, you should be running the very latest JNOS 2.0i, since there
are lots of fixes / refinements regarding the B2F / Winlink stuff.

> Any ideas on what my next steps should be ?

Don't use the forward.bbs stuff you previously mentioned. Like I
said, it is now obsolete. Read the following article and I make
mention of this :


Hope that helps. Merry Christmas !

Maiko Langelaar / VE4KLM

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