[nos-bbs] JNOS + WINMOR Sound Card TNC - progress report ...

Maiko Langelaar maiko at pcs.mb.ca
Tue Apr 13 21:37:34 EDT 2010

Hi Bill,

I am using JNOS on Linux making a TCP connection to the
Winmor TNC on a windows box.

I really like the idea of a remote box for an HF site.

Put the HF site out in the country somewhere, where you can put
up giant antenna arrays and towers, away from the city (and all
the EMI, cells, pagers, etc) that wipe out HF front ends), and
leave the BBS application in the office or EOC center in the

Network the application to the HF site using bridge radios, like
the Trango, Motorola Canopy, Tsunami, whatever ...

I haven't worked on the windows version for a while, which
was more of a concept project I did at the time to see how
easy it was to *port* to WIN32 - not difficult actually.

Maiko Langelaar / VE4KLM

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