[nos-bbs] Bill's Global AXIP and back to Global MAILBOX again

Jay Nugent jjn at nuge.com
Thu Nov 20 11:29:15 EST 2008


On Thu, 20 Nov 2008, Maiko Langelaar (ve4klm) wrote:

> Hi Mark and group,
> > Isn't this what White Pages was meant to do ?

> > As I see it how will the network know when a new user joins and
> > where to get a hold of him.
> I want to get away from all that routing. The key thing here is
> that we can use the unique nature of the ham radio callsign. It
> does not matter where we get hold of him or her anymore. It's
> a global thing.

   Just like with the Internet, there is NO WAY to know what any users
email address is or when they change to a new one.  I don't know your
email address unless you give it to me, or send me a message that I can
replay back to.  And that seems to work pretty well.  So is there REALLY
any need for our Packet networks to need WP any longer???  I don't think

   Typically, if I know the station is a JNOS user I can send email to
"callsign at callsign.AMPR.ORG" and it will get there.  And if they are an
AX.25 user, I send to "callsign at hamgate.county.AMPR.ORG".  But that is the
convention we use here in the Michigan AMPRnet.  Yours may vary.

   As a convienence, we do provide an Address Book of email addresses on a 
website so people can find one another: 

   We also have a database of EOC's and Key Stations at: 

   I'd *REALLY* like to see more Hamgate's and JNOS nodes pop up all
around the country!  We have 22 Hamgate's in Michigan now and as many JNOS
home stations.  Our network continues to grow steadily.  There are pockets
of JNOS activity in Colorado, Virginia, Hawaii, and a few other states.  
We should work together toward re-linking all of them through the
worldwide AMPRnet network :)

      --- Jay Nugent  WB8TKL
          o Chair, ARRL Michigan Section "Digital Radio Group" (DRG)
          o Michigan AMPRnet IP Address Coordinator

In response to the issue about dumbing-down Amateur Radio, a fellow Ham 
said:    "Would you like fries with that emergency communication?"
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