[nos-bbs] Routing

(Skip) K8RRA k8rra at ameritech.net
Fri Jul 11 19:07:21 EDT 2008

Hey Jerry, sounds like good progress.

On Fri, 2008-07-11 at 11:14 -0500, Jerry and Michele Groeneveld wrote:
> Speaking of routing, is there anything published to help me 
> get started on what has been called the 'creative routing' 
> needed to get this Linux system to talk to the internet?
There are a few, *if* you try http://jnoswiki.no-ip.org and you do not
find the answer, I am quite interested in hearing "what's missing" from
you.  I hope I have time to add the subject before I hand the wiki off
to it's new owner...

> TUN0 bridge
On the jnos stack end of tun?
May I presume is used on the host stack end of tun?

> Linux eth0
> I can ping to anything around my home network, I can telnet 
> into JNOS from inside the home network. I can send internet 
> mail and browse the web. I have router DMZ open to 
> as I did on my DOS system. 
Here is one issue: ...0.75 is not the jnos stack.
To be equivalent to DOS, the DMZ target needs to be ...0.55.

You might end up happier if you used "pinholes" rather than "DMZ".
That is a firewall consideration for your site.

> I just can't get 
> JNOS out of the home network.
There is a guy who hangs around these parts who often says: "Think like
a packet." in situations like these.  His advise can be effective when
you are looking at all the details.  Like:
  1) is the Internet gateway IP defined in jnos route just like the IP
in the host route?
  2) is IP ...0.55 defined in the route table at ...0.75 host?
  3) etc

> Thank you,
> Jerry, N0MR

de [George (Skip) VerDuin] K8RRA k

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