[nos-bbs] A patch to JNOS2.0f is released

(Skip) K8RRA k8rra at ameritech.net
Tue Jul 1 13:15:43 EDT 2008

You ask reasonable questions Jay.

On Tue, 2008-07-01 at 01:26 -0400, Jay Nugent wrote:

>    I wonder if anyone has yet tried out this patch, 
Dave (RSA) and I (RRA) have both been running the patched code for some
weeks, I have been running it on RRA for months.

Don (WB8I) and John (RCR) have both been running without the patch but
with adjusted parms again for weeks.  I have a request in to Dale (EFK)
to revise parms like Don & John without the patch -- no response to
date.  Some percentage of the benefit is available with parm change

> and if so, does it 
> improve or worsen the conditions on a BUSY link???  
"Busy" is in the eyes of the beholder. the .070 in W.Mich seems to me
can be murder sometimes and I consider it a great test bed to deal with
concurrent non-DRG traffic.  I have yet to have anyone respond the
parameter change has made things "worse" under any condition, everything
I see locally is "better".  You make the call for yourself -- BUT ONLY
AFTER you try it [ultimately it takes experiment, not only theory].

> It may very well fix 
> problems on slow links with two or three stations, but it needs to work in 
> both worlds to be usefull.  Has anyone thried this yet???
There *should be* several CCs in your box so you can follow exactly this
effort as it gets around DRG & NOS.  Can you provide the missing
technology that *may* be available to tune both of the worlds you ask
about concurrently on only one interface?  Take for example SMTP that
needs to support Internet-only and Internet-radio links simultaneously
on one interface.  What test bed do you propose?

>    So my first question -- are you running IP over Connected Mode??
>    Secondly -- let us see your Global AX.25 and TCP settings.
Over the past months, I have "published" several "white papers" on these
topics and in detail to the DRG reflector in the form of mail & PDFs.
Also the patch contains a "readme" with the patch description detail.  I
hope you don't find my writing style obtuse, but the detail for theory
evaluation is all there / more than you probably want.

de [George (Skip) VerDuin] K8RRA k

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