[nos-bbs] JNOS 2.0f4 beta + doc on all changes since 2.0f

Maiko Langelaar (ve4klm) maiko at pcs.mb.ca
Wed Dec 10 10:47:14 EST 2008

Good morning (or evening - if you live on the other side of the planet)

Something new for you to play with, test, break, curse, whatever :


Another Beta release that contains most everything I've done since the
last official release back in December of 2007. Release notes for this
version contain detailed information on everything that has changed
since the official 2.0f release from last December.

Note : this one does NOT contain code contributed from a variety
        of users, but I do plan on putting that stuff in when I make
        the next official release, which I'll probably call 2.0g

Happy reading :)

Maiko Langelaar / VE4KLM

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