[nos-bbs] Questions related to JNOS 1.11f

(Skip) K8RRA k8rra at ameritech.net
Wed Mar 28 21:00:15 EDT 2007

Sounds good Misko, here are a couple details.

On Thu, 2007-03-29 at 00:20 -0500, Miroslav Skoric (YT7MPB) wrote:

> (Skip) K8RRA wrote:
> > Good evening Misko, It seems that your mail issues have not "gone away"?
> Well, it is a matter of steep learning curve and I seem to getting old :-)
> The next trouble is my intention to use the ancient equipment (80286) in 
> a situation where the most of hams suggest: throw it away and get some 
> new hardware :-)

Jnos *should* run OK there - I believe I could find a couple like that
around here...
You might find it useful to compile with only the minimal stuff you will
use and without tracing after your feet are wet.

> >>SNIP<< make a list of what is 
> queued at FBB (command FL <jnos_callsign> ) and remove greater mails 
> from the queue. The next session is then going ok.

I'll need to look at selective retrieval only from FBB as I exercise



> Well whatever documentation you are going to make - that's fine for 
> beginners. I appreciate that. I have also been doing something similar 
> with FBB howto for Linux users (http://tldp.org/howto/FBB.html).

OOPS - My browser comes back with: "...not found..."

> > seemed to fit...  You may inspect it any time to draw your conclusions.
> > 
> No problem, let me know the exact web address it is located so I could 
> see how it looks like.

Browse to http://k8rra.no-ip.org/jnosd for your review.
You might find the TEXT search function useful.

> >>SNIP<< - as long as you give me some credit (or a cold beer :-))

I especially like the cold beer...:-)

> Regards,
> Misko YT7MPB

de [George (Skip) VerDuin] K8RRA k
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