[nos-bbs] DNS requirements

(Skip) K8RRA k8rra at ameritech.net
Tue Mar 13 10:40:23 EDT 2007

Good morning again - I have a curious situation...

I am now operation on a FC-6 platform for the past few weeks.
This upgrade I chose to "begin over" by building on a fresh filesystem
rather than "upgrade" over the previous one.
OK - my process is flawed and I have oversite to deal with...

One of the new jnos failures was to resolve names from /jnos/domain.txt.
Sysop command "domain look ..." worked, but user BBS command "send
user-at-name" failed.
The solution was to set the host to forward traffic (my oversite

Now the reason I bring this up is:
JNOS has all the resources to resolve names to IP addresses internally -
no host required.
Also no host resources are configured for DNS purposes.

So my question is:
Why does jnos fail for lack of host connectivity when no host resource
is needed by jnos DNS client?
Also - does any existing document cover this detail of configuration?

In most other situations, the upgrade was painless...:-)

de [George (Skip) VerDuin] K8RRA k
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