[nos-bbs] AXIP networking

Bill Vodall WA7NWP wa7nwp at gmail.com
Sat Dec 8 17:35:43 EST 2007

Far out...  Now I really have to get my setup tweaked..

>  Here is what I have set up for Bill.
> attach axip wa1 256 44.###.###.###  wa7nwp

will vodall.dynip.info work for a destination address?

I know there are some issues with axip and routers.   If the unflashed
WRT54G I'm using doesn't handle AXIP, then we go to AXUPD??

> netrom interface wa1 115 100
> ifconfig wa1 ax25 maxframe 7
> ifconfig wa1 desc "WA7NWP, Richmond, WA, USA"

Redmond...   It's about the same.

> ifconfig wa1 ipaddress
> ifconfig wa1 linkaddress k8ee
> ifconfig wa1 ax25 paclen 256
> You must have axip defined.
> 73, Gene - K8EE

Thanks Gene..   .. and everybody else that replied with offers of help
and links.


Eventually it would be cool if we got to the point where an incoming
AXUDP packet with the known IP address (even 44 net or others) would
be enough to automatically set up a connection and get returned
packets going..   But one step at a time.  First I need to get this

Bill - WA7NWP

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