[nos-bbs] HTTP server restriction maybe

(Skip) K8RRA k8rra at ameritech.net
Tue Apr 17 19:58:31 EDT 2007

My last shot on this for the moment Barry,

On Tue, 2007-04-17 at 19:16 -0400, Barry Siegfried wrote:

> The "just numbers" concept was presented by Jay to illustrate the fact
> that there is nothing magical about them and that it is not what the
> numbers are but rather the IP routing of them that completes your
> circuit.

When all is said and done, my concern is not the technology but the
Because 44... is sparse the choice of 44... is sound.  The choice of
192... only adds quantity / not quality.

> See Jay, now he IS having fun!  :)

Yup - and he has been at it for a while...


de [George (Skip) VerDuin] K8RRA k
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