[nos-bbs] at kill all

Barry Siegfried bgs at mfnos.net
Thu Sep 28 08:34:06 EDT 2006

[wa7nwp <wa7nwp at jnos.org> wrote]:

> Now that JNOS is "running" again, I'm getting some forwarding links
> going again.


> I do currently manually switch channels on a regular basis.


> at 05 "mbox kick N7yge+"
> at 15 "mbox kick W7ARC+"
> at 25 "mbox kick W7smc+
> ---
> Two little issues here.
> I need to clear all the mbox aliases and all the at commands before
> loading in the new ones.  It won't be hard to hack the code to do that,
> but before I dive in, any suggestions?   Restarting is the best answer
> so far but I don't want to lose my heard lists..

["(Skip) K8RRA" <k8rra at ameritech.net> wrote]:

> Interesting concept....

> Consider this:
> Go ahead and initiate a shutdown on the clock with a frequency change.
> As part of the graceful shutdown in "onexit.nos" include the commands:
> echo ">>>>>Routine program shutdown initiated" >> h-list.txt
> shell date >> h-list.txt
> ax25 heard >> h-list.txt
> ip heard >> h-list.txt
> Later - to see the heard list use "download h-list.txt"
> You probably need something in the cron list like:
> "tail -200 h-list.txt h-list.txt" to keep the list from
> getting too long?
> my description doesn't consider the "public" directory or /jnos
> pathing - it is just to layout an approach.
> good luck

Interesting and inventive solution!  My compliments, Skip.  :)

But probably not necessary.  The code to kill "all" 'at' commands
was actually done several years ago because I needed it back then.
If Maiko wants it, I'll be glad to supply it to him.  With a little
syntactical revision it should drop into the JNOS doat() subfunction
just fine.

As for 'mbox aliases', you're on your own Bill, because I don't
personally use 'mbox aliases' and I don't have any code for it.  It
was one of those things I never picked up because I wasn't particularly
interested in it.  Sorry about that.

73, de Barry, K2MF >>
          <|>      Barry Siegfried
| Internet | bgs at mfnos.net              |
| HomePage | http://www.mfnos.net/~bgs  |
| Amprnet  | k2mf at nnj.k2mf.ampr.org     |
| PBBS     | k2mf at k2ge.#cnj.nj.usa.noam |

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