[nos-bbs] at kill all

(Skip) K8RRA k8rra at ameritech.net
Thu Sep 28 08:18:38 EDT 2006

Interesting concept....

On Wed, 2006-09-27 at 23:22 -0700, wa7nwp wrote:

> >>snir<<   Restarting is the best answer 
> so far but I don't want to lose my heard lists..

Consider this:
Go ahead and initiate a shutdown on the clock with a frequency change.
As part of the graceful shutdown in "onexit.nos" include the connands:
echo ">>>>>Routine program shutdown initiated" >> h-list.txt
shell date >> h-list.txt
ax25 heard >> h-list.txt
ip heard >> h-list.txt

Later - to see the heard list use "download h-list.txt"
You probably need something in the cron list like: "tail -200 h-list.txt
> h-list.txt" to keep the list from getting too long?

my description doesn't consider the "public" directory or /jnos pathing
- it is just to layout an approach.
good luck

> Thanks,
> Bill
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de [George (Skip) VerDuin] K8RRA k
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