[nos-bbs] Receiving msgs from WL2K with JNOS works, how about sending?

Torsten Harenberg harenberg at physik.uni-wuppertal.de
Sun Mar 19 07:48:14 EST 2006

Dear all,

it seems to me that *receiving* messages from WL2K BBSes work quite 
stable now. At least I could verify that "telpac" style access works and 
looking to Maiko's web page also HF access works.

Sending to *other WL2K users* also work (by addressing mails to 

The next step one would like to realize is of course outgoing "Internet" 
or "SMTP" mails (those who'll leave the WL2K system outbund to Internet 

I gave it several tries:

- sending messages to SMTP:username at myisp.com and using a rewrite entry 
like "*@*.* k4cjx"
- trying to catch what Airmail is doing when talking to WL2K boxes 
(unfortunately it uses the FC proposal, so that seems useless to me)

I also had a look at:


where they describe how the header of any message has to look like.

Unfortuntaly, I'm not an expert in FBB protocols, so I have no idea how 
far JNOS could handle that. But from:

- what is written on the web page and
- from the fact that who have to define a "Gateway" inside Airmail's 
dialog (which reminds me to good old "NEXUS" messages) and
- from the possibility to have multiple "To"s in WL2K

I would *assume* that messages have to be addressed to a "Gateway area" 
(they call is "EMAIL") and all the further information concerning 
addresses are coming from inside the mail.

However, I didn't want to flood K4CJX's box with messages violating the 
WL2K standard, so I didn't tried to solve that by "trial and error".

So my question is: ss somebody out there with more knowledge about this? 
  Maybe anybody also tried something like this and we could share our 

My final goal is to replace Airmail completely with JNOS (I don't care 
about bulletins etc.) as an WL2K client. I'm using a Mac powerbook and 
really dislike to have a PC emulator running only to access WL2K while 
being away from home. (Futhermore, JNOS would run on my Linux PDA ;-) )

Any thoughts?

Have a nice sunday,

   Torsten DL1THM

<>                                                              <>
<> Torsten Harenberg         harenberg at physik.uni-wuppertal.de  <>
<> Bergische Universitaet                                       <>
<> FB C - Physik             Tel.: +49 (0)202 439-3521          <>
<> Gaussstr. 20              Fax : +49 (0)202 439-2811          <>
<> 42097 Wuppertal                                              <>
<>                                                              <>
<><><><><><><>< Of course it runs NetBSD http://www.netbsd.org ><>

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