[nos-bbs] Missing something - 44 net

wa7nwp at jnos.org wa7nwp at jnos.org
Thu Aug 17 20:08:22 EDT 2006

>> I'd like to give this a try.  What do I do?   Are there instructions
>> online?  Any scheme for alternate backup hosting gateways with shared
>> authentication info?
> This code was originally developed for a NOS platform and then
> subsequently ported to Linux by Terry Dawson, VK2KTJ.  In Linux
> it is called DGipip.  You need to run it on whichever machine
> will be multi-homed (connected to both the internet and the
> amprnet).

No Linux.  No "blocks".   I just want to set up a single JNOS instance in
the hosted gateway scheme to get a feel for how it works.  Rebuilding NOS
and IPIP tunneling are used all the time here so that's no issue.

Found an interesting link:


Bill - WA7NWP

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