[nos-bbs] Initial installer results - pretty good...

George (Skip) VerDuin k8rra at ameritech.net
Fri Nov 18 16:27:50 EST 2005

Just a detail of explanation...

On Fri, 2005-11-18 at 12:11 -0600, maiko at pcs.mb.ca wrote:

> > For me, the workaround is "# reset" to reinit the session.
> I rarely see a crash that messes up the screen. Usually, it's trace
> data that is not printable that does that.

I have "always" used the multi console feature for jnos.  Jnos needs to
be "root", and I typically do as much as I can from "user" so it is my
practice to have alt-ctrl-F2 as my root session to execute jnos (keeping
the jnos admin screen).  I typically have gdb running from F3 and telnet
from F5 as me the user...  Weird?

In any case, F2 requires the "reset" from whenever jnos does abort.  I
suspect the FC-4 crash recovery processing doesn't deal completely with
parameters used by jnos to set up the admin screen.  If it terminates
normally - no problem (so far).

I understand Maiko to use terminal emulation from a GUI.  Now IF there
is a problem here, it may be that FC-4 multi session and GUI support act
a little bit differently.  I can't believe it is a serious problem,
there is a simple work around available.  Please consider this to be a
nuisance and not worth much effort to fix > or even talk about here...

If I find the problem for my system, I'll forward it to the Fedora Core
folks and let you know.

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