[nos-bbs] Remote AX25

wa7nwp at jnos.org wa7nwp at jnos.org
Fri Apr 8 01:37:29 EDT 2005

> Bill wrote :
>> I have a linux box with a RF port AX0 and an AXUPD port
>> Au0 (or whatever) -- is there some way to route ALL the packet
>> traffic on AX0, from RF, out the AXUDP port so the remote
>> system see's it ?
> In JNOS that would be a type of cross port digi :
> Let's say I have an AXUDP from BOXA to BOXB, and it would
> be configured something like the following :
> Any station on RF on the BOXA side would simply do something like :
>      c BOXB via AUGAT
> JNOS will see the AUGAT digi in the RF connect and automatically
> route the connect request to BOXB.

Right.. That's digipeating via AXUDP.

> Get this ! TNOS takes it one step further and will actually let you
> do the same and have a station on RF at BOXA be able to connect to a
> station on RF off the BOXB machine (via the axudp, without ever having
> to connect to EITHER BOXA or BOXB directly !

But can RFA (on BOXA) connect to BOXB without the digipeater?   With the
net2kiss trick on a Linux box,  JNOS sees everything on the ax25
circuit just like Linux does.   I know - I should spend less
time doing Email and more time running the systems on the air so
I know the answer to this...

> That is a VERY powerful feature and has been around for a long time,
> and could technically make an interesting form of APRS backbone I suppose
> had someone noticed it back in the days when APRS first started :-(

We've discussed it.   I'm looking forward to doing some of that
RSN (real soon now) when I get JnosAprs running on a full time

Hmmmm..   DIgi_ned, virtual serial ports, axupd tunnels - I think
this could get real interesting real fast.

>> Anybody thinking about dynamic AXUDP setups ? ...
> I don't know what you're getting at. Please explain.

With conventional AXUPD, both sides have to manually set up
the circuit.   Suppose it was automatic on the side of the
server.   Then anybody could log in and establish a circuit.
The return path would have to be set up automatically to the
station logging in.   (Like a TCP connection...)

Today it's a one to one relationship.  If I set up an
AXUPD connection to a server and that server went away, I'm out
of luck until I contact somebody to set up a new link.  It would
be good if we could generalize that.   Imagine a page
of AXUPD ampr connections similar to the port 14501 of APRS servers
resulting from a similar login scheme.

> Maiko


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