[aprssig] Positioning APRS - The Use Case - Further Defined

Jeff Hochberg jeffh at aprsfoundation.org
Mon Sep 16 21:01:04 EDT 2024

I received an email from someone earlier today, and I realized something...
I did an abysmal job of explaining the purpose behind documenting use
cases. :-/

Concerning use cases... It's important to understand:

* Who is the reader?
* Why do they care?
* What level of knowledge do they have?

Without additional context - it makes it really difficult to understand
what we're trying to accomplish here.

So...with that being said...let's take this analogy:

The reader reviewing what you author about a use case is new to APRS—they
may even be brand new to ham radio!

Keep that in your mind as you think about what to write.

Think of it this way: pretend you're a salesperson at Ham Radio Outlet (or
DX Engineering, Gigaparts, etc).

Sales reps make a considerable portion of their earnings based on
commission. That's why they do the job - it can pay really well if you're
good at it! Assume that half of your earnings are based on getting
commission based on what you sell.

You make a 5% commission selling APRS - you make a 1% commission selling
anything else. That means you are incented to sell APRS.

A newly licensed amateur radio operator comes into the store. Your
compensation is based on how much you can sell APRS-enabled devices.

What's compelling about your use-case that would entice this new ham to
pick an APRS-enabled radio?

The goal is to interest a new ham in APRS! The more you garner interest,
the more APRS-enabled gear you sell...the fatter your wallet is when the
paycheck comes! See where we're going with this?

To get the gears spinning in their brain!

To teach them something they didn't realize they could do!

To get them interested in using APRS to accomplish the goal.

Getting the interested and excited is only 50% of the deliverable.

You also have to guide them in how to achieve the result.

You can't just sell them a pile of gear and tell them...go figure it out.
Yes - I'm sure that's how you figured it out.

Remember, APRS is amorphous and difficult for many to understand!

Now, I realize this will be easier for some than others.

That's OK! Don't be shy! We can help each other out!

That's why we're all here! We share a mutual interest - and hams love
helping other hams! That's a big part of why we decided to get into ham
radio, right???

And, as people dip their toes in the water, please be supportive and help
each other!

This isn't an opportunity to criticize or critique. We're trying to
increase interest in APRS. The best way to do that is to join and work on
it together!

I hope that's helpful and we are excited to see what you come up with!

Jeff Hochberg - W4JEW
APRS Foundation Inc
jeffh at aprsfoundation.org

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