[aprssig] Yet Another APRS-over-VARA Road Trip Coming

Stephen H Smith WA8LMF2 at aol.com
Sun Jul 21 16:45:15 EDT 2024

On Wednesday 24 July, I will be departing for the annual Evergreen, Colorado 
Jazz Festival <http://EvergreenJazz.org> happening this coming weekend.   Once 
again, I will be beaconing 30M HF APRS alternately on classic 300-baud AX.25 
packet and on VARA.   This will again provide a direct side-by-side comparison 
of the two modes.

On Wednesday 24 July, I will depart my QTH in central Michigan (Haslett) and 
wll be stopping in Cedar Rapids, Iowa the first night.

On Thursday 25 July, I will be stopping at the Nebraska/Colorado state line 
where Interstate 76 branches off from I-80.

On Friday morning, I complete the last 4 hours of the drive to Denver, and 
then  up the mountains to Evergreen.

The return trip will be Monday 29 July and Tuesday 30 July.

The radio setup is the same as previous events:  Three copies of UIview (2M 
VHF, 30M AX.25 and 30M VARA) running on my Panasonic Toughbook mobile laptop. 
Radio is  Yaesu FT-891 running into a 30M Quicksilver Radio "QuickStick" 
ham-stick type whip ball-mounted on the left-rear corner of the car.  (This 
time, I will NOT be towing "Studio B", my radio trailer.)

The festival itself starts Friday afternoon around 3 PM MDT, and goes all day 
Saturday and Sunday before ending around 6:00 PM local. In addition to my own 
position, I will be beaconing an APRS object for the festival. (At the main 
venue, I have access to AC power so I can leave the radios and computers 
running in the car during the event.)

My APRS webservers will be running, showing what I can receive at home in 
Michigan during the trip. Go to:


to select the main 30M AX.25 packet APRS page,   the 30M VARA APRS page,   and 
the Special Events page. In addition, the Road Trip Tracker page will be live.

The two 30M pages only reflect what my home station is hearing OFF THE AIR - 
there is no Internet feed. The Special Events and Road Trip Tracker pages 
combine off-the-air AND the APRS-IS Internet feed.

AS usual, WA8LMF (no SSID) is 2M FM, WA8LMF-2 is AX.25 HF,   WA8LMF-3 is VARA HF.


   Stephen H. Smith    wa8lmf (at) aol.com
Skype:        WA8LMF
EchoLink:  Node #  14400  [Think bottom of the 2-meter band]
Home Page: http://wa8lmf.net

APRS-over-VARA igates now operating on 30 & 60 meters

"Studio B" Ham Shack on Wheels

-- APRS over VARA  --

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